Team © CSG

Contaminant Science Group

Progressing technological development provides solution to societal challenges but also creates problems of its own. Crucial natural resources like clean air, water or soil are under increasing pressure caused, among other factors, by production and release of chemicals. How detrimental are anthropogenic chemicals released to the environment? Which chemicals pose the most severe threat? Could they be replaced by less hazardous alternatives?

At Contaminant Science Group we focus on the assessment of environmental fate and hazard of chemicals: (eco)toxicity, bioaccumulation, biodegradability, partitioning, mobility of chemicals - you name it! We specifically try to pinpoint what types of hazards are to be expected, what makes particular chemical hazardous and why.
We believe that technological development can be aligned with environment protection goals - it all comes down to the choices we make.

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Important topics at one glance

SAR in hazard assessment © Markiewicz