Apr 28, 2023
International Conference on Riverbank Filtration in Dresden, 16-18 October 2023
Bank filtration / riverbank filtration (BF/RBF) is an element of managed aquifer recharge and has been used by riverside communities for many decades as a natural water treatment process. RBF forms part of a multi-barrier approach to drinking water supply at numerous sites. With a growing and conscious use worldwide, RBF will become more important to safeguard future water supplies for drinking, irrigation and industries. The conference marks the return of a platform after two decades to showcase worldwide operational experience and research and to increase the level of awareness on RBF. The conference offers two days of oral and poster presentations on 16 and 17 October and an excursion to RBF schemes on 18 October.
More info about the conference, registration and abstract submission: htw-dresden.de/rbfconf.