Sep 29, 2016
Exploring opportunities for collaboration with partner institutions in Costa Rica
Between 21-29 September 2016, Catalin Stefan and José Bonilla (Junior Research Group INOWAS) made a research trip to various regions of Costa Rica. The objectives of the trip were to introduce the INOWAS project and its preliminary outcomes, to identify the needs and research demands in water management in Costa Rica, and to establish a partner network for development of bilateral activities. The activities conducted include meetings, lectures, field trips, visits of facilities and workshops.
During the 9-days trip, the group used the opportunity to meet representatives of the research and academic sector, local government, water service operators, such as: Costa Rican Water Supply and Wastewater Institute - AyA, University of Costa Rica – UCR (School of Civil Engineering and Central American School of Geology), National University of Costa Rica – UNA (Interdisciplinary Programme on Water Management and Research - PRIGA; Central America and the Caribbean Water Resources Research Centre - HIDROCEC), Technological Institute of Costa Rica – TEC (Environmental Protection Research Centre), local government of the Curridabat Municipality, German Academic Exchange Service – DAAD (Information Centre for Central America), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit – GIZ.
The trip was very well organised and brought important ideas for potential collaboration. For the future months, three cooperation agreements are in preparation and further activities are planned together with the local partners.