Miguel Moreno conducted field work for the characterisation of Yucatán karst aquifer

Miguel installing the TDE equipment in a field in Merida, Yucatan
After the meeting with Dr. Mario Rebolledo (CICY) last June, Miguel remained in Mexico for additional four weeks to carry out field investigations in Yucatan. The aim of the work is the characterisation of the Yucatan karst aquifer with main focus on defining the pollutants plume underneath the Yucatan capital city, Merida.
The works were performed from July 10 to July 26 using Time Domain Electromagnetic (TDE) techniques, which have been used for various applications such as mineral exploration, structural mapping and resistivity sounding. With Dr. Rebolledo's support, TDE equipment was used conformed by a TEM47 transmitter, the PROTEM receiver and an appropriate receiver coil. Measurements were carried out successfully in 40 points along the Merida city, covering an area of 400 km2 and two additional points in the small town of Hunucma serving as control points.
The importance to characterize the Yucatan karst aquifer and the success of the measuring campaign will encourage a second round of field measurements to be performed during the dry season.