The main focus of the INOWAS-web research field is on the development of INOWAS DSS, an open source web-service aimed to solve groundwater related issues with a particular case study on the planning, management and optimisation of managed aquifer recharge applications. The platform is easily accessible via standard web browsers and includes tools of varying complexity with MODFLOW being the numerical simulation core.
The web-based implementation of the INOWAS DSS integrates a unified, user-friendly and modern graphical user interface (GUI) that provides a structural framework for all the functionalities of the platform. The actual solution combines modern design elements with powerful server capabilities for a smooth browser-based modeling experience and reliable simulation outcomes.
The INOWAS DSS platform enables the user to set up and calculate a new groundwater flow model. The integration of MODFLOW packages was realized modular, so that besides the default configuration which includes basic packages, various boundary conditions as well as different solvers, additional ones can be easily added in the future. Furthermore, a scenario analyzer helps to vary boundary conditions to evaluate new management options as well as future development induced e.g. by climate or land use change and urbanization. Different analysis options such as time series analysis, cross sections of groundwater levels or drawdowns, volumetric budget evaluation, and the calculation of head differences between different scenarios help to identify best management options.
Besides the MODFLOW-based core, simple tools solving various analytical equations are ported on the server, providing the user with workflows of different levels of complexity. A dynamic environmental information system provides additional support in model parametrization and data management.
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Glass, J., Jain, R., Junghanns, R., Sallwey, J., Fichtner, T., Stefan, C. (2018) Web-based tool compilation of analytical equations for groundwater management applications. Environmental Modelling & Software, 108: 1-7.
- Sallwey, J., Schlick, R., Bonilla, J., Stefan, C. (2019) Suitability mapping for managed aquifer recharge: development of web-tools. Water, 11(11): 2254.
Free, web-based modelling platform
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