Karl-Franz-Busch Medal
Table of contents
Karl-Franz Busch (1917) began his work as a scientific assistant at the then TH Dresden in 1951. In 1957 he became the Head of the Institute of Soil and Water Management. He was significantly involved in the establishment of the department of water management in 1968, its structure reflects in the department of Water Management (since 2012 Department of Hydro Sciences) and is unique to a German university. Prof. Busch led the department with great success until his retirement in 1982.
The description of all of his extensive accomplishments would go beyond the scope. It should just be mentioned that he mentored 131 dissertations and 36 habilitations.
The essential goal of his work was to join the engineering and scientific disciplines of Water Management. This prize is dedicated to this high standard of interdisciplinarity. The Karl-Franz-Busch- Medal is an honor for outstanding achievements in the field of water management. It can be awarded to students and supporters of the Department Hydro Sciences of TUD or as an honor to experts of other institutions that deal with Hydrosciences.
The choice (directive) of the award winner results from a secret ballot by a jury that consists of three elected members and the chairman of the association as well as by the Dean of Studies of the department Hydrosciences.
Call for Proposals 2019
The call for proposals for the Karl-Franz-Busch-Medal award is directed to all professors of the department Hydrosciences at TUD and begins in October 2019. The proposals can be submitted to the directorate of the association for support of Urban water management at TUD until 31.01.2020 in written form. Please use the respective form. More detailed information about proposals can be found in the directive.
The current call for proposals is directed to theses that were submitted and defended at TUD in 2019.
Eligible chairs for submitting proposals are:
Chair of Limnology
Chair of Meteorology
Chair of Ware Management and Circular Economy
Chair of Urban Water Management
Chair of Process Engineering in Hydro Systems
Chair of Groundwater Management
Chair of Hydrology
Chair of Hydrochemistry and Water Technology
Chair of Aquatic Ecosystem Analysis and Management
Chair of Applied Environmental Systems Analysis
Chair of Contaminant Hydrology
Chair of Applied Ecology of Running Waters
Chair of Hydraulic Engineering
Chair of Technical Hydromechanics
Proposals can be directed to the association’s secretary, Mr Dipl.-Ing. Markus Ahnert, until 31.01.2020.
Please attach a rationale and a copy of the theses as well as the abstract and the review to your proposal. Please use the provided form for the proposal.
In the rationale please go into detail about the proposed candidate’s personality, his/her thesis, examples for his/her interdisciplinary work (e.g. elective subjects and practical sessions) and his/her grade-point average. If a thesis has been awarded elsewhere it can’t be considered for the Karl-Franz-Busch-Medal. The decision is made by a jury consisting of professors, research assistants and business representatives.
Please send your proposal to the association’s e-mail address. You can find the directive and the proposal form in the download section.
Award recipients
Karl-Franz-Busch-Medal for outstanding achievements in studies and excellent theses.
2003 | Dipl.-Hydr. Markus Möller |
The effects of insect-proof nets on exchange of mass and momentum in a screenhous for pepper cultivation in central israel | |
2005 | Dipl.-Ing. Katrin Heß |
Untersuchungen zu den Auswirkungen der veränderten Rohwasserbeschaffenheit von Trinkwassertalsperren auf die Trinkwasseraufbereitung am Beispiel Carlsfeld und Sosa | |
2006 | Dipl.-Ing. Andre Spindler |
Bewertung der erfassten Stör- und Istgrößen eines Steuer- und Regelsystems zur Nährstoffelimination am Beispiel der Kläranlage Dresden-Kaditz | |
2007 | Dipl.-Hyd. Björn Helm |
Auswirkungen möglicher Veränderungen von Rahmenbedingungen auf siedlungswasserwirtschaftliche Planungen | |
2008 | Dipl.-Ing. Dietmar Strübing |
Untersuchungen zur Sicherstellung niedriger TS-Ablaufwerte der Kläranlage einer Papierfabrik | |
2009 | Dipl.-Hydr. Marcus Fahle |
Kopplung des Pflanzenwachstumsmodells Gecros mit Hydrus2D zur prognostischen Simulation von Defizitbewässerungssystemen | |
2010 | Dipl.-Ing. Martin Wolfram |
Erfassung und Bilanzierung der Stoffströme für ausgewählte Schwermetalle vor dem Hintergrund der Einhaltung der REACh-Verordnung | |
2010 | Dipl.-Hydr. Mario Schaffer |
Transport kationischer Arzneimittel in der gesättigten Bodenzone |
Karl-Franz-Busch-Medal for outstanding merits in Water Management, especially at TUD.
2011 | Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Klaus Lützner |
2011 | Prof. Dr. Jürgen Benndorf |