Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Horst Brunner
Table of contents
Curriculum Vitae
Personal data
14. April 1940 | born in Pottiga/Thüringen, Deutschland |
Education and professional career
1958 | Student of Mechanical Engineering, Fields Combustion Engines and Automobile Engineering, TH/TU Dresden; 1964 Diplom-Ingenieur |
1964 | Design and test engineer, Automobilwerk Ludwigsfelde |
1967 | Scientific Assistent, Hochschule für Verkehrswesen (HfV) „Friedrich List“ Dresden |
1969 | Scientific Assistent, 1972 to1990 Chief Assistant, "Institut für Verbrennungsmotoren und Kraftfahrzeuge (IVK)" of Technische Universität Dresden |
1973 | Doctorate, Technische Universität Dresden |
1987 | Doctorate B to Dr. sc. techn. für Antriebstechnik (1991 transformed to Dr.-Ing. habil.), Technische Universität Dresden |
seit 1991 | University Professor for Automobile Engineering and Drive Technology, Technische Universität Dresden, "Fakultät Maschinenwesen",since 1993 "Friedrich List" Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences |
1991 – 1993 | Vice-Rector of Eduction at Technische Universität Dresden, Member of the founding commission of "Friedrich List" Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, Member of the founding commission of the law faculty |
2000 - 2005 |
Member of the scientific advisory board of the Federal Minster of Transportation |
2005 | Retirement |
2005 - 2011 | CEO of the VUFO at TU Dresden GmbH |
seit 2012 | Scientific advisor of the VUFO at TU Dresden GmbH |
seit 2012 | Scientific head of the master's courcse "Verkehrsunfallforschung und Fahrzeugsicherheit" at Dresden International University (DIU) |
seit 2012 | Speaker of the research association "Fahrzeug- und Verkehrssicherheit Dresden [FVD]" |