1952 The Hochschule für Verkehrswesen (HfV) is founded. The signalling technology training of students in the Department of Signalling and Telecommunications Engineering begins in 1954. From the very beginning, the training is based on a foundation course in electrical engineering, which is due to the emerging development of relay technology at this time.
1992 When the transport-related parts of the HfV were incorporated into the TU Dresden as the Friedrich List Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, the Chair of Railway Signaling and Transport Safety Technology became part of the Institute of Traffic Information Systems. Since then, the training is no longer based on a foundation course in electrical engineering, but on a degree in traffic engineering.
2006 As a founding member of the Institute of Railway Systems and Public Transport, the Chair is now integrated into a transport-oriented structure with greater overlap between the chairs within the Institute. In addition to the training of traffic engineers, the Chair is also dedicated to the training of railway systems engineers.
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilhelm Müller (1952 - 1972)
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Wolfgang Fenner (1972 - 1997)
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Trinckauf (since 1998)