Professur für Verbrennungsmotoren und Antriebstechnik
Herr Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Atzler

Forschungs- und Publikationsaktivitäten
Telefon: 0351 463 37618
Fax: 0351 463 36039
Fax: 0351 463 36039
George-Bähr-Str. 1b
01069 Dresden
01069 Dresden
Helmholtzstr. 10
01062 Dresden
01062 Dresden
Mitgliedschaft(-en) in akademischen Gremien
WKM (Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für für Kraftfahrzeug- und Motorentechnik) e.V.
Beteiligung an externen wissenschaftlichen Netzwerken
FVV Forschungsvereinigung Verbrennungskraftmaschinen e. V.
Consultant to the European Union
from 1999: Evaluation and monitoring for research proposals and projects within the EU programmes Marie Curie, Energy FoF, Combustion engines of frameworks 4, 5, 6 and 7 and Horizon 2020.
Technische Universität Dresden
from 3/2019: Professor of Combustion Engines and Power Train Systems
including teaching and research in: combustion and emissions, thermodynamics, supercharging, conventional and regenerative fuels including hydrogen, engine design, hybridisation, exhaust gas aftertreatment, operating strategies for complex systems and components
Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau
from 10/2016: Professor of Combustion Engines (combustion and emissions, thermodynamics, supercharging, fuels, engine design, engine dynamics)
Continental Automotive GmbH (Germany) (formerly Siemens VDO Automotive)
from 01.04.2005: Team leader, Diesel combustion investigations, engine and vehicle tests with respect to fundamentals and system performance in combustion; single cylinder testing and 3D CFD combustion simulation; requirements definition and development support for common rail systems; fundamental investigations on "multiple injection" and "rate shaping" schemes with up to 3000bar injection pressure, NOx suppression, synthetic fuels and other research topics. Technical Expert "Level 2" for Diesel Combustion, Participation in the “ECCO MATE” research consortium on the improvement of fuel consumption and emissions of large ships engines within the Framework Programme 7
from Mai 2014: Project leader at “Powertrain Technology and Innovation” for hybridisation of Diesel passenger cars with 48V systems, including “SCR” exhaust gas aftertreatment (NEDC, WLTC, RDE) and electric supercharging “eCompressor”
IVECO Motorenforschung AG, Arbon (Switzerland)
from 01.10.1999: Development and series introduction of Diesel combustion and exhaust gas aftertreatment systems for commercial vehicles and engines (Euro III and IV for trucks and busses, various marine and genset applications)
University of Leeds, School of Mechanical Engineering, Leeds (Great Britain)
01.02.95 – 30.09.99: PhD student; Title of the thesis: “Fundamentals of Aerosol Combustion”;
Sillner Maschinen GmbH, Regensburg
15.09.92 - 15.08.94, Designe engineer, Concepts and CAD design for “Integrated Back End Lines” (Processing of SMD components),
BMW AG, Munich
19.03.1990 - 21.09.1990, Test engineer, base engine mechanical development and testing, EA-402, (fixed term contract);
Seit 01.03.2019 ist Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Atzler Inhaber der Professur Verbrennungsmotoren und Antriebstechnik
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1 bis 10 von 45 Einträgen
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Vorträge / Interviews
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1 bis 10 von 10 Einträgen
Burning velocities in droplet suspensions
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Atzler, 06.07.1998 - 08.07.1998
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