Nov 11, 2019
Öffentliches Fakultätskolloquium mit Russel McKenna (Technical University of Denmark) am 12.11.2019
Am Dienstag (12.11) hält Russell McKenna (Technical University of Denmark) im Forschungskolloquium der Fakultät einen öffentlichen Vortrag zum Thema:
Modelling Decentralised Multi-energy Systems for the Low-carbon Energy Transition
Ort: Festsaal der Fakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Zeit: 18.15 – 19.45 Uhr
Alle Interessierten sind herzlich eingeladen.
Abstract: There is a wide scientific consensus of the need to decarbonize the energy system, which is responsible for over 90% of greenhouse gas emissions. Around 80% of the global population lives in cities, where they spend much of their time in buildings. In addition, large capacities of renewable energy technologies are installed decentrally, especially by private individuals, farmers and energy cooperatives. At the same time, traditionally distinct energy vectors such as gas, electricity and heat are becoming more integrated. Decentralised multi-energy systems are therefore key for a successful energy transition. The wide variety of available measures as well as the number of involved parties result in a high degree of complexity, which makes energy system models indispensable. These models are able to quantify the trade-offs and interactions between individual measures, as well accounting for different actor’s perspectives. This lecture will show some examples of these models applied to cities and buildings in order to provide decision support for local stakeholders. In particular, the focus will be on the integration of decentralised renewable energy generation at a local scale. An outlook will highlight some of the weaknesses in the presented approaches and suggest how they could be overcome in future research.