Artikel zur Blindleistungsbereitstellung von erneuerbaren Energien aus den Verteilnetzen erschienen
Ein Artikel mit dem Titel "Techno-economic Evaluation of 110 kV Grid Reactive Power Support for the Transmission Grid" von Fabian Hinz und Dominik Möst ist im Journal IEEE Transaction on Power Systems erschienen. Der Artikel ist verfügbar unter folgendem Link: https://doi.org/10.1109/TPWRS.2018.2816899.
Decentralizing energy systems require renewable energy sources to assume a higher degree of system responsibility. Concerning voltage stability and reactive power management, wind and PV parks connected to 110 kV grids are technically capable of providing reactive power. A controllable and situation- dependent feed-in depending on the respective situation could not only reduce grid losses in the distribution grid, but also facilitate a flexible reactive power exchange with the transmission grid in order to support the voltage stability of the system. In this paper, a two-step approach is presented to estimate the nodal reactive power potential and to estimate cost savings arising from a flexible reactive power exchange between transmission and 110 kV grid. Results are deducted for a simple test grid as well as for the German transmission grid