The energy crisis as an accelerator of a sustainable transformation?
Friday, 5th May 2023
Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany
The effect of the current energy crisis on the transformation of the energy system is uncertain. There are arguments on both sides: On the one side, high fossil fuel prices encourage investments in sustainable energy technologies. Sustainable energies reduce political and economic uncertainties associated with fossil fuels and contribute to a diversification of the energy supply. On the other side, policymakers have taken several short-term measures that have strengthened the lock-in in fossil fuels, such as significant investments in LNG infrastructure or the reactivation of phased-out coal-fired power plants. In this context, the general topic of the 17th ENERDAY is constituted around the question "Energy crisis as an accelerator of a sustainable transformation?".
Call for Papers
For the 17th ENERDAY we seek papers that address the challenges and opportunities presented by the current energy crisis, and how it is influencing our future energy system (Call for Papers). Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
- The role of renewable energy sources in the energy transition
- The economic, political and social consequences of the energy crisis
- The role of energy storage in the transition to a sustainable energy system
- The impact of the energy crisis on energy policy and regulation as well as on energy poverty and access to energy
- The role of digitalization in the energy transition
Parallel to the core topics of the conference, submissions concerning the following topics are of interest:
I Cross-sectional topics
- Energy supply, e.g. potentials of renewable energies, supply dependencies, role of technologies and energy taxonomy, stranded assets, etc.
- Energy and climate, e.g. assessment of European climate and energy policy goals, level of achievement, interactions between policy instruments across Europe, regulation of non EU ETS sectors, etc.
- Energy security, e.g. adequacy and energy security, fluctuating renewable energies, energy dependencies, coal- and other fossil fuel-exits, capacity mechanisms, etc.
- Energy efficiency, e.g. efficiency benchmarking, best practice examples, self-supply, social norms to increase energy efficiency, counteracting rebound effects, energy management systems, renewable energy sources in industry etc.
- Energy innovation, e.g. short-term and long-term trends in energy production, transportation, and demand, support policies along the life cycle (R&D, invention, demonstration, diffusion), technological foresight for scenario development, technology assumptions for energy modelling.
II Sectoral analyses and case studies
- Electricity sector: renewable support schemes and pricing, infrastructure investments, sector coupling, etc.
- Heating sector: climate policy instruments, promotion of renewables in the heating sector, efficiency measures, etc.
- Transport sector: CO2-emissions and benchmarks, hydrogen, electric mobility, new concepts and business models, etc.
- Natural gas and oil sector: Price developments and infrastructural analysis, inner-European markets, Energy Union, etc.
Format and submissons
Please submit an extended abstract (max. 6.000 characters, in English, preferably including a short CV) by 19th March 2023 via the online submission form (Submission platform). You will receive a confirmation of acceptance by 3rd April 2023 at the latest. Full presentations should be submitted by 3rd May 2023. Accepted abstracts will be included in the Conference Book of Abstracts.
All participants are required to register as users via the conference tool on our website (Registration tool). Please note that registrations are only possible until 27th April, 2023.
Date and Venue
The conference will be held on 5th May, 2023 as an in-person event in Dresden at the Campus of the Technical University (with the possibility of hybrid participation reserved for a few selected sessions).