Jun 30, 2024
New publication: "Postponing Germany's nuclear phase-out: A smart move in the European energy crisis?"
Against the backdrop of the ongoing European energy crisis, it is all the more important to bring objectivity to the heated debates about the role of nuclear energy and its prospects in Germany.
The publication by Dimitrios Glynos and Hendrik Scharf "Postponing Germany's nuclear phase-out: A smart move in the European energy crisis?" provides concrete and reliable data for the so-called "extended operation" of the last three nuclear power plants in Germany until April 15, 2023, analyzing both the contribution of this measure to security of supply and the (macro)economic effects of postponing the nuclear phase-out by three and a half months. In addition, a counterfactual scenario is considered that includes the reactivation of the nuclear power plants shut down in 2021.
The analysis showed that the phase-out delay led to the following results:
- Reduction in electricity prices in Germany by €9 per MWh
- Reduction in electricity generation from gas by 2.9 TWh in Europe and by 1.6 TWh in Germany
The article was published in the journal Energy Policy and is available as open access at the following link: https: //doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2024.114208