Teaching Resources
Rainer Lasch
Strategisches und operatives Logistikmanagement: Beschaffung
4th edition, ISBN 978-3-658-39383-0
This textbook treats the subsystem procurement, whereby in particular strategic and operational planning problems are in the foreground. Strategic procurement decisions serve the survivability of the enterprise by the receipt of the competitive ability and the safety device of the market position. Thus among other things the choice of the correct procurement strategies, strategic outsourcing decisions, the organization of the supplier customer relations as well as the supplier innovation management are treated in detail. In the operational planning area, the focus is on the consumption- and program-oriented procedures of material requirements planning, the determination of optimal order quantities and optimal order times, as well as in acceptance testing as part of quality assurance. The second edition was supplemented by the topics e-procurement solutions, purchase auctions as well as procurement goods supplier portfolio.
The quantitative methods for material requirements planning, deterministic and stochastic inventory models as well as quality assurance are described algorithmically in their process flow and clearly illustrated with many logistical application examples.
In addition, a user-friendly planning software "Logistics Toolbox" is provided as a download, in which the planning procedures used in this book are implemented and the solutions can be traced step by step. Thus, problems relevant to practice can easily be solved with this planning software.
This is the third volume of a four-volume series dealing with strategic and operational management tasks of the cross-sectional function logistics.
The content
- Sourcing strategies
- Outsourcing decisions
- Supplier and supplier innovation management
- Program and consumption-based material requirements planning
- Warehousing and inventory strategies
- Quality assurance and acceptance testing
Logistics Management
Rainer Lasch
Strategisches und operatives Logistikmanagement: Prozesse
4th edition, ISBN 978-3-658-40907-4
This book describes logistics management as a strategic management function, focusing on a holistic view and optimization of logistics processes. The focus is on logistics strategies, concepts and methods for improving logistics processes, strategies for maintenance and spare parts logistics, and aspects of disposal logistics. Numerous examples, illustrations and tables clarify the strategic methods relevant to practice, which create a sustainable competitive advantage for companies through cost, performance and time advantages in development, procurement, production, distribution and disposal. This is the second volume of a four-volume series dealing with strategic and operational management tasks of the cross-sectional function of logistics.
The content
- Logistics systems
- Logistics conception
- Process chains
- Concepts and methods for improving logistics processes
- Logistics in after sales management
- Maintenance logistics
- Reverse Logistics
The target groups
Students of business administration, industrial engineering, business mathematics and engineering sciences with a focus on logistics at universities, colleges and academies.
Rainer Lasch
Strategisches und Operatives Logistikmanagement: Distribution
4th edition, ISBN 978-3-658-42900-3
The development of logistical success potentials in corporate and network practice requires, among other things, excellent logistics and management competence in the phase-specific subsystems of logistics. This book deals with the subsystem of distribution logistics, focusing in particular on planning problems, solution concepts and strategies. The quantitative planning methods are described algorithmically in their process flow and are clearly illustrated by more than 70 logistical application examples. For the areas of transport, transshipment, round trip, tour and location planning, the problems are didactically appropriately modeled and various solution concepts are conveyed.
In addition, a user-friendly planning software "Logistics Toolbox" is provided, in which the planning procedures used in this book are implemented. Thus, problems relevant to practice can also be solved with this planning software.
This is the first book of a four-volume series dealing with strategic and operational management tasks of the cross-sectional function of logistics.
The contents
- Phase-specific subsystems of logistics
- Basics of graph theory
- Transportation and transshipment planning
- Flows in networks
- Round trip planning
- Route planning
- Location management
- Physical distribution
- Telematics in road freight transport
- Planning software "Logistics Toolbox
The target groups
Students of business administration, industrial engineering, business mathematics and engineering sciences with a focus on logistics at universities, colleges and academies.
Exercise book
Rainer Lasch / Christian G. Janker
Übungsbuch Logistik- Aufgaben und Lösungen zur quantitativen Planung in Beschaffung, Produktion, Distribution und Instandhaltung
5th edition, Gabler Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2022. ISBN 978-3-658-37185-2.
This exercise book is designed to accompany and deepen the process-oriented business management education and training in procurement, production, distribution, and maintenance. It contains around 100 exercises from the field of quantitative logistics, each with a detailed sample solution. Short thematic introductions as well as learning objectives complement the very well prepared presentation and enable optimal exam preparation.The book is aimed at students who want to independently apply and deepen existing knowledge.
Case studies
Rainer Lasch / Gregor Schulte
Quantitative Logistik-Fallstudien- Aufgaben und Lösungen zu Beschaffung, Produktion und Distribution.
5th edition, Gabler Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2021.
ISBN: 978-658-35592-0
Based on case studies, the above book enables the independent acquisition and application of knowledge in the areas of procurement, production and distribution and thus an increase in individual learning success. In addition to an introduction to case study methodology, case studies from the field of quantitative logistics with tasks and solutions form the main focus.
The enclosed CD-ROM contains extensive data sets as well as the planning software "Logistics Toolbox", which includes numerous planning procedures used in the case studies. Additional case studies have been included in the 4th edition.