Gunther Markwardt - List of Publications
Monograph |
Strukturwandel in der Lausitz - Wissenschaftliche Auswertung der Potentialanalysen der Wirtschaft der Lausitz ab 2010 (with M. Mißler‐Behr, H. Schuster, S. Zundel and J. Hedderoth), commissioned by MWE Brandenburg, Potsdam, 2016. | |
Wahlen und Konjunkturzyklen , Gabler Edition Wissenschaft, Wiesbaden, 2008. |
Demographische Entwicklung im Freistaat Sachsen - Analyse und Strategien zum Bevölkerungsrückgang auf dem Arbeitsmarkt (together with M. Dittrich, W. Gerstenberger, B. Grundig, C. Pohl, H. Schmalholz und M. Thum), ifo Dresden Studien 36, München/Dresden, 2004. | |
Articles |
Markwardt, Gunther and Mohammed Farzanegan: Development and pollution in the Middle East and North Africa: Democracy matters, Journal of Policy Modeling, 40, 2018, 350-374. | |
Natural resource rents and internal conflicts – Can decentralization lift the curse? (with Mohammad Farzanegan and Christian Leßmann), Economic Systems, 42 (2), 2018, 186-205 . | |
Self-preserving Leviathans – Evidence from local-level data (with Jan Kluge and Christian Thater), Kyklos 70(4), 2017, 594-621. | |
Strukturwandel in der Lausitz – eine wissenschaftliche Zwischenbilanz (with Stefan Zundel), ifo Dresden berichtet 17(3), 2017, 17-22. | |
Aid, growth, and devolution: Considering aid modality and different types of decen-tralization (with Christian Leßmann), World Development 84, 2016, 118-130. | |
Wahlkampf auf Gemeindekosten: Politische Budgetzyklen in sächsischen Gemeinden (with Jan Kluge), ifo Dresden berichtet 15(5), 2015, 17-24. | |
Lohnunterschiede zwischen Ost- und Westdeutschland: Neue Einsichten (with Mi-chael Gühne), ifo Dresden berichtet 14(3), 2014, 37-44. | |
Fiscal federalism and foreign transfers: Does inter-jurisdictional competition in-crease foreign aid effectiveness? (with Christian Lessmann), in Fuest, C. and G.R. Zodrow, Critical Issues in Taxation and Development, MIT Press, 2013. | |
Decentralization and the shadow economy: Oates meets Allingham-Sandmo (with Andreas Bühn and Christian Leßmann), Applied Economics 45, 2567-2573, 2013 | |
Föderalismus und Entwicklungsländer: Ist Dezentralisierung ein geeignetes Instru-ment der Entwicklungspolitik? (with Christian Leßmann), Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik 13(4), 2012, 337-356. | |
Aid, growth and devolution (with Christian Leßmann), World Development 40(9), 1723-1749, 2012 | |
The role of political institutions for the effectiveness of central bank independence (with Kai Hielscher), European Journal of Political Economy 28, 286-301, 2012. | |
Föderalismus und Korruption - Ist Dezentralisierung ein geeignetes Mittel zur Korruptionsbekämpfung? (together with C. Leßmann), ifo Dresden berichtet 17 (4), 2010, 43-48. |
One size fits all? Decentralization, corruption and the monitoring of bureaucrats (with Christian Leßmann), World Development 38(4), 631-646, 2010. | |
The effects of oil price shocks on Iranian economy (with Mohammad Reza Farzane-gan), Energy Economics 31, 2009, 134-151. | |
Die Klausur aus der Volkswirtschaftslehre (together with M. Dittrich and Marcel Thum), WISU 06/07, 2007, 840-845. |
Arbeitslosigkeit und Kriminalität: Eine mögliche "Doppelte Dividende" der Arbeitsmarktpolitik? (together with M. Dittrich), ifo Dresden berichtet 6/2004, 11-17. |
Der sächsische Arbeitsmarkt vor dem Hintergrund demographischer Veränderungen (together with M. Dittrich, B. Grundig, C. Pohl, H. Schmalholz and M. Thum) in: G. Milbradt and J. Meier (Hrsg.): Die demographische Herausforderung - Sachsens Zukunft gestalten , Bertelsmann Stiftung, Gütersloh, 2004, 121-140. | |
Die Examensklausur aus der Volkswirtschaftslehre (together with M. Dittrich and M. Thum), WISU 8-9/04, 2004, 1106-1111. |
Zu kurz gedacht? Die Lkw-Maut - Ein (ungenutztes) Lenkungsinstrument auf dem Prüfstand (together with M. Dittrich), ifo Dresden berichtet 6/2003, 2003, 43-50. |
Working Papers |
Democracy – Growth and Growth – Democracy (with Stefan Brieger), Working Paper TU Dresden, 2018. | |
Constitutional rules and spatial disparities (with Marcus Dittrich, Technische Hochschule Deggendorf), 2017. | |
The economics of wastewater treatment in Mexican counties (with Lutz Philip Hecker and Frank Wätzold, BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg), 2017. | |
Classroom Games: Trading in a Pit Market 2.0 (together Thum, Marcel and André Seidel), CEPIE Working Paper 04/16. further details | |
Self-preserving Leviathans – Evidence from regional level data (together with J. Kluge and C. Thater), CESifo Working Paper 5177, 2015. | |
Determinants of wage differentials between East and West Germany: A analysis of employees and firms characteristics (with Michael Gühne, TU Dresden), 2015 | |
Political budget cycles and their consequences in developed countries (with Christoph Böhm), Working Paper University of Michigan, 2015. | |
Natural Resource Rents and internal Conflicts – Can Decentralization lifts the Curse? (together with M. R. Farzanegan und C. Leßmann), CESifo Working Paper, 2013. | |
Pollution, Economic Development and Democracy: Evidence from MENA countries (with M. R. Farzanegan), ZEW Working Paper, 2012. | |
Political Budget Cycles and their Consequences on Developed Countries (together with C. Böhm), mimeo Technische Universität Dresden, 2010. | |
Decentralization and foreign Aid Effectiveness: Do Aid Modality and Federal Design matter in APoverty lleviation? (together with C. Leßmann), CESifo Working Paper Series 3035, 2010 |
Fiscal Federalism and Foreign Transfers: Does inter‐jurisdictional Competition increase Foreign Aid Effectiveness? (together with C. Lessmann), C. Fuest and G. Zodrow (ed), “Critical Issues in Taxation and Development”, MIT Press: Cambridge M.A., 189‐216. | |
Decentralization and the Shadow Economy: Oates meets Allingham-Sandmo (together with A. Bühn and C. Lessmann), Applied Economics 45 (18), 2013, 2567-2578. |
Föderalismus und Entwicklungsländer: Ist Dezentralisierung ein geeignetes Instrument der Entwicklungspolitik? (together with C. Lessmann), Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik 13 (4), 2012, 337-356. | |
Aid, Growth, and Devolution (together with C. Lessmann), World Development 40 (9), 2012, 1723‐1749. | |
The Role of Political Institutions for the Effectiveness of Central Bank Independence (with K. Hielscher), European Journal of Political Economy 28, 2012, 286-301. | |
One Size Fits All? Decentralization, Corruption and Monitoring of Bureaucrats (together with C. Lessmann), World Development 38 (4), 2010, 631-646. | |
The Value of Non-Binding Announcements in Public Goods Experiments. Some Theory and Experimental Evidence (together with M. Berlemann and M. Dittrich), Journal of Socio-Economics 38 (3), 2009, 421-428. | |
The Effects of Oil Price Shocks on the Iranian Economy. (together with M. R. Farzanegan), Energy Economics, Vol. 31 (1), 2009, 134-151. | |
Unemployment and Inflation Consequences of Unexpected Election Results (together with M. Berlemann), Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 39 (8), 2007, 1919-1945. | |
Variable Rational Partisan Cycles and Electoral Uncertainty (together with M. Berlemann), European Journal of Political Economy, 22, 2006, 874-886. | |
Altersstruktureffekte auf dem deutschen Arbeitsmarkt (together with M. Dittrich and M. Thum), Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technischen Universität Dresden 54 (3-4), 2005, 71-75. | |