2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013
For a complete list of publications please visit the People section.
Lamprecht, J., Thum, M. (2024). The Missing Government in Green Finance. FinanzArchiv/European Journal of Public Finance, forthcoming. | |
de Boer, J., Eichler, S., Rövekamp, I. (2024): Protectionism, Bilateral Integration, and the Cross Section of Exchange Rate Returns in US Presidential Debates. Journal of International Money and Finance, 103134. | |
Eichler, S., Nauerth, J.A. (2024): Bilateral investment treaties and sovereign default risk: Evidence for emerging markets. accepted for publication at the International Journal of Finance & Economics. |
Eichler, S., Nauerth, J.A. (2024): Bilateral investment treaties and portfolio investment. Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money 91, 101918. |
Ari, K. P., Lacomba, J. A., Lagos, F., Mazrekaj, D., Thum, M. (2024). Identity and Inequality Misperceptions, Demographic Determinats and Efficacy of Corrective Meaasures. Scientific Reports, 14, 1, 12300. |
Braczkowski, A. R., O'Bryan, C., Lessmann, C., Rondinini, C., Crysell, A. P., Gilbert, S., Stringer, M., Gibson, L., & Biggs, D. (2023). The Unequal Burden of Human-Wildlife Conflict. Communications Biology, 6, 182. |
Broll, U., Welzel, P., & Wong, K. P. (2023). Hedging and the regret theory of the firm. Decisions in Economics and Finance. |
Hirte, G., Laes, R., & Gerike, R. (2023). Working from self-driving cars. Transportation Research Part A, 176. |
Kranen, J., Rocholl, J., & Thum, M. (2023). A primer on green finance: From wishful thinking to marginal impact. Review of Economics, 74, 1-19. |
Konrad, K.A., & Thum, M. (2023). Elusive Effects of Export Embargoes for Fossil Energy Resources. Energy Economics, 117, 106441. |
Jain, M., Sikder, S., Korzhenevych, A. (2023). Application of an interdisciplinary research framework for discerning land use transitions in the peri-urban areas of India. Applied Geography, 155. |
Lamprecht, J., & Thum, M. (2023). Opacity in bargaining over public good provision. Journal of Public Economic Theory, 25, 5, 1069-1095. |
Maghularia, R., & Uebelmesser, S. (2023). Do Immigrants Affect Crime?. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 211, 486-512. Schoffer, O., Schriefer, D., Werblow, A., Gottschalk, A., Peschel, P., Liang, L. A., Karmann A. & Klug, S. J. (2023). Modelling the effect of demographic change and healthcare infrastructure on the patient structure in German hospitals–a longitudinal national study based on official hospital statistics. BMC Health Services Research, 23(1), 1-9. |
Arin, K. P., Lacomba, J. A., Lagos, F., Moro-Egido, A. I., & Thum, M. (2022). |
Berlemann, M., Methorst, J. & Thum, M. (2022).
Do Floods Scare Off Residents? Economics Letters, forthcoming. |
Broll, U., & Förster, A. (2022). Market risk, value-at-risk and exponential weighting. Economics and Business Review, 8(2), 80-91. |
Buehling, K., Geissler, M., & Strecker, D. (2022). Free access to scientific literature and its influence on the publishing activity in developing countries: The effect of Sci-Hub in the field of mathematics. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 73(9), 1336-1355. | |
Eichler, S. & Pyun, J.H. (2022): Ricardian Equivalence, Foreign Debt and Sovereign Default Risk. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 197, 21-49. | |
Hirte, G., Min H.-K., & Rhee, H.-J. (2022): Regulation versus Taxation: Efficiency of Zoning and Tax Instruments as Anti-Congestion Policies. Journal of Housing Economics 101837. | |
Jain, M. & Korzhenevych, A. (2022a) Discerning institutional and spatial restructuring under emergent neoliberal projects in India, Political Geography, 97, p. 102642. |
Jain, M. & Korzhenevych, A. (2022b) The concept of planetary urbanization applied to India’s rural to urban transformation, Habitat International, 129, p. 102671. | |
Kemnitz, A., & Roessler, M. (2022). |
Kindt, A.-M., Geissler, M., & Bühling, K. (2022). Be my (little) partner?! — Universities' role in regional innovation systems when large firms are rare. Journal of Regional Science, 1– 22. |
Kholodilin, K.; Kohl, S.; Korzhenevych, A.; Pfeiffer, L. (2022) The hidden homeownership welfare state: an international long-term perspective on the tax treatment of homeowners, Journal of Public Policy, pp. 1–29. | |
Knabe, A., Schob, R., Thum, M. (2022): Prognosen und empirische Befande: Wie groß ist die Kluft beim Mindestlohn wirklich? Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, forthcoming. | |
Konrad, K. & Thum, M. (2022): Equilibrium Opacity in Ultimatum Offer Bargaining, Journal of Public Economic Theory, forthcoming. |
Konrad, K. & Thum, M. (2022): The Better Route to Global Tax Coordination: Gradualism or Multilateralism? Canadian Journal of Economics, forthcoming. | |
Konrad, K. A. & Thum, M. (2022). Elusive Effects of Export Embargoes for Fossil Energy Resources (with Kai A. Konrad). Energy Economics, forthcoming. | |
Reimann, F., Tscharaktschiew, S. (2022): Repositioning of driverless cars: Is return to home rather than downtown parking economically viable? Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, forthcoming. |
Bieta, V., Broll, U., Siebe, W.: Strategic Option Pricing, Economics and Business Review, 6 (3), 118-129. | |
Böhm, H., & Eichler, S. (2020). Avoiding the fall into the loop: Isolating the transmission of bank-to-sovereign distress in the Euro Area. Journal of Financial Stability, 51, 100763. | |
Broll, U., Mukherjee, S., Sensarma, R.: Risk Preferences Estimation of Exporting Firms under Exchange Rate Uncertainty, Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 67 (1), 126-136. | |
Broll, U., Welzel, P., Wong, K.P.: Regret Aversion and Asymmetric Price Distribution, The Journal of Economic Asymmetries, 21, e00156. | |
de Boer, J., Bövers, K. J., Meyer, S.: Business Cycle Variations in Exchange Rate Correlations: Revisiting Global Currency Hedging, Finance Research Letters, 33, 101195. | |
Eichler, S., Plaga, T.: The Economic Record of the Government and Sovereign Bond and Stock Returns around National Elections, Journal of Banking and Finance, 118, 105832. | |
Farzanegan, M., Thum, M.: Does Oil Rents Dependency Reduce the Quality of Education?, Empirical Economics, 58, 1863-1911. |
Frei, X., Langer, S., Lehmann, R., Roesel, F.: Electoral Externalities in Federations – Evidence from German Opinion Polls, Kyklos, 73 (2), 227–252. | |
Gaebler, S., Potrafke, N., Roesel, F.: Compulsory Voting and Political Participation: Empirical Evidence from Austria, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 81 (C), 103499. | |
Hirte, G., Lessmann, C., Seidel, A.: International Trade, Geographic Heterogeneity and Interregional Inequality, European Economic Review, 127, 103427. | |
Hirte, G., Tscharaktschiew, S.: The Role of Labor-Supply Margins in Shaping Optimal Transport Taxes, Economics of Transportation, 22, 100156. | |
Knabe, A., Schöb, R., Thum, M.: Prognosen und empirische Befande: Wie groß ist die Kluft beim Mindestlohn wirklich?, Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, 21 (1): 25–29. | |
Knoblach, M., Rössler, M., Zwerschke, P.: The Elasticity of Substitution Between Capital and Labour in the U.S. Economy: A Meta-Regression Analysis, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 82 (1), 62-82. | |
Knoblach, M., Stöckl, F.: What Determines the Elasticity of Substitution between Capital and Labor? A Literature Review, Journal of Economic Surveys, 34 (4), 847-875. | |
Konrad, K. A., & Thum, M. (2020). Equilibrium opacity in ultimatum‐offer bargaining. Journal of Public Economic Theory, 22(5), 1515-1529. | |
Korzhenevych, A., Bröcker, J. (2020): Investment subsidies and regional welfare: a dynamic framework and its application to the European regional policy, Regional Studies, 54 (9), pp. 1262-1274. DOI: 10.1080/00343404.2019.1702157 | |
Jain, M., Korzhenevych, A. (2020): Urbanisation as the rise of census towns in India: An outcome of traditional master planning?, Cities, 99, art. no. 102627. DOI: 10.1016/j.cities.2020.102627 |
Ochsner, C., Roesel, F.: Migrating Extremists, The Economic Journal, 130 (628), 1135-1172 | |
Potrafke, N., Roesel, F.: The Urban-Rural Gap in Healthcare Infrastructure: Does Government Ideology Matter?, Regional Studies, 54 (3), 340–351. | |
Potrafke, N., Roesel, F.: Opening Hours of Polling Stations and Voter Turnout: Evidence from a Natural Experiment, The Review of International Organizations, 15 (1), 133–163. | |
Tscharaktschiew, S.: Why Are Highway Speed Limits Really Justified? An Equilibrium Speed Choice Analysis. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 138, 317-351. | |
Wohlrabe, K., Gralka, S.: Using Archetypoid Analysis to Classify Institutions and Faculties of Economics, Scientometrics, 123 (1), 159–179. |
Achten, S., Beyer, L., Dietrich, A.-M., Ebeling, D., Lessmann, C., Steinkraus, A.: Large Scale Infrastructure Investment and Economic Performance – A Case Study of Oresund, Applied Economics Letters, 26 (1), 21-26. | |
Agasisti, T., Gralka, S.: The Transient and Persistent Efficiency of Italian and German Universities: A Stochastic Frontier Analysis, Applied Economics, 51 (46), 5012-5030. |
Audrino, F., Huang, C., & Okhrin, O. (2019). Flexible HAR model for realized volatility. Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics, 23(3). | |
Blesse, S., Roesel, F.: Merging County Administrations: Cross-National Evidence of Fiscal and Political Effects, Local Government Studies, 45 (5), 611–631. | |
Bodnar, T., Okhrin, O., & Parolya, N. (2019). Optimal shrinkage estimator for high-dimensional mean vector. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 170, 63-79. | |
Bornmann, L., Wohlrabe, K., Gralka, S.: The Graduation Shift of German Universities of Applied Sciences, PLoS ONE, 14 (1), e0210160. | |
Broll, U.; Kemnitz, A.; Mukherjee, V.: Globalization, Inequality and Economic Policy. Economics and Business Review, 5 (19), 3-11. | |
Broll, U., Eckwert, B., Wong, K.P.: Market Transparency and International Allocation of Capital, Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science, 3, 421–429. | |
Fabian, M., Lessmann, C., Sofke, T.: Natural Disasters and Regional Development – The Case of Earthquakes, Environment and Development Economics, 24 (5), 479-505. |
Gralka, S., Wohlrabe, K., Bornmann, L.: How to Measure Research Efficiency in Higher Education? Research Grants vs. Publication Output, Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 41 (3), 322-341. |
Granseth, E., Keck, W., Nagl, W., Simonovits, A., Tir, M.: Negative Correlation between Retirement Age and Contribution Length?, Oxford Economic Papers, 71 (4), 1050–1070. |
Hanappi, T., Nagl, W.: Retirement Behaviour in Austria: Incentive Effects on Old-Age Labor Supply, Fiscal Studies, 40 (3), 301–328. |
Hirte, G., Illmann, U.: Household Decision Making on Commuting and the Commuting Paradox, Empirica, 46 (1), 63-101. | |
Jain, M., Korzhenevych, A. (2019): Detection of urban system in India: Urban hierarchy revisited, Landscape and Urban Planning, 190, art. no. 103588. DOI: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2019.103588 |
Jain, M., Korzhenevych, A., Pallagst, K. (2019): Assessing growth management strategy: A case study of the largest rural-urban region in India, Land Use Policy, 81, pp. 1-12. DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2018.10.025 | |
Jain, M., Korzhenevych, A., Sridharan, N. (2019): Determinants of growth in non-municipal areas of Delhi: rural–urban dichotomy revisited, Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 34 (3), pp. 715-734. DOI: 10.1007/s10901-019-09655-1 | |
Langer, S., Korzhenevych, A. (2019): Equalization transfers and the pattern of municipal spending: An investigation of the flypaper effect in germany, Annals of Economics and Finance, 20 (2), pp. 737-765. | |
Lehmann, R., Nagl, W.: Explaining Spatial Patterns of Foreign Employment in Germany, Regional Studies, 53 (7), 991-1003. |
Lessmann, C., Steinkraus, A.: The Geography of Natural Resources, Ethnic Inequality and Civil Conflict, European Journal of Political Economy, 59, 33-51. |
Lessmann, C., Määttä, I.: Human Lights, Remote Sensing, 11 (19), 2194. |
Gaebler, S., Roesel, F.: Do Direct Elections Matter? Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Germany, International Tax and Public Finance, 26 (6), 1416–1445. | |
Roessler, M.: Political Regimes and Publicly Provided Goods: Why Democracy Needs Development, Public Choice, 180, 301–331. | |
Rövekamp, I.: US Monetary Policy and the Pricing of American Deposit Receipts, Finance Research Letters, 29, 418-424. | |
Tscharaktschiew, S., Evangelinos, C.: Pigouvian Road Congestion Pricing under Autonomous Driving Mode Choice, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 101, 79-95. | |
Wohlrabe, K., Bornmann, L., Gralka, S., Anegon, F.M.: Wie effizient sind Universitäten in Deutschland, deren Zukunftskonzepte im Rahmen der Exzellenzinitiative ausgezeichnet wurden? Ein empirischer Vergleich von Input-und Output-Daten zur Forschung, Zeitschrift fuer Evaluation, 18 (1). | |
Yalew, G.M., Hirte, G., Lotze-Campen, C., Tscharaktschiew, S.: The Synergies and Trade-Offs of Planned Adaptation in Agriculture: a General Equilibrium Analysis for Ethiopia, Economics of Disasters and Climate Change, 3, 213–233. |
Broll, U., Welzel, P., Wong, K.P.: Ambiguity Preferences, Risk Taking and the Banking Firm, Eurasian Economic Review, 8, 343-353. | |
Eichler, S.; Littke, H.: Central Bank Transparency and the Volatility of Exchange Rates, Journal of International Money and Finance, 89, 23-49. | |
Eichler, S., Rövekamp, I.: A Market-based Measure for Currency Risk in Managed Exchange Rate Regimes, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 57, 141-159. | |
Eichler, S., Lähner, T.: Regional, Individual and Political Determinants of FOMC Members’ Key Macroeconomic Forecasts, Journal of Forecasting, 37 (1), 119-132. | |
Eichler, S., Lähner, T., Noth, F.: Regional Banking Instability and FOMC Voting, Journal of Banking and Finance, 87, 282-292. | |
Evangelinos C., Tscharaktschiew S., Marcucci E., und V. Gatta.: Pricing Workplace-parking via Cash-out: Effects on Model Choice and Implications for Transport Policy, Transportation Research A: Policy and Practice, 113, 369-368. | |
Genest, C., Plante, J.-F., Okhrin, O.: Qui se ressemblent s'assemblent, Accromath, 13(1), 14-19. | |
Hirte, G., Nitzsche, E., Tscharaktschiew, S.: Optimal Adaptation in Cities, Land Use Policy, 73, 147–169. |
Jain, M., Korzhenevych, A., Hecht, R. (2018): Determinants of commuting patterns in a rural-urban megaregion of India, Transport Policy, 68, pp. 98-106. DOI: 10.1016/j.tranpol.2018.04.018 |
Konrad, K. A., & Thum, M. (2018). The better route to global tax coordination: Gradualism or multilateralism?. Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique. | |
Korzhenevych, A., Jain, M. (2018): Area- and gender-based commuting differentials in India's largest urban-rural region, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 63, pp. 733-746. DOI: 10.1016/j.trd.2018.07.013 | |
Langer, S., Korzhenevych, A. (2018): The effect of industrial and commercial land consumption on municipal tax revenue: Evidence from Bavaria, Land Use Policy, 77, pp. 279-287. DOI: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2018.05.052 | |
Markwardt, G., Farzanegan, M.: Development and Pollution in the Middle East and North Africa: Democracy Matters, Journal of Policy Modeling, 40 (2), 350-374. | |
Markwardt, G., Farzanegan, M., Leßmann, C.: Natural Resource Rents and Internal Conflicts – Can Decentralization Lift the Curse?, Economic Systems, 42 (2), 186-205. | |
Straubinger, A., Hirte, G., Tscharaktschiew, S.: On-Street vs. Off-Street Parking: An Urban Economics Analysis, Zeitschrift für Verkehrswissenschaft, 88 (1), 68-95. | |
Shen, Z., Odening, M., Okhrin, O.: Adaptive local parametric estimation of crop yields: Implications for crop insurance ratemaking, European Review of Agricultural Economics, 45(2), 173-203. | |
Thum, M., Auerswald, H., Konrad, K. A.: Adaptation, Mitigation and Risk-Taking in Climate Policy, Journal of Economics, 124 (3), 269–287. | |
Thum, M., Konrad, K. A.: Does a Clean Development Mechanism Facilitate International Environmental Agreements?, Environmental and Resource Economics, 69 (4), 837–851. |
Thum, M., Auerswald, H., Schmidt, C., Torsvik, G.: Teams in a Public Goods Experiment with Punishment, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 72, 28-39. | |
Qu, Z., Raff, H., Schmitt, N.: Incentives through Inventory Control in Supply Chains, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 59, 486-513. | |
Yalew, A. W., Hirte, G., Lotze-Campen, H., Tscharaktschiew, S.: Climate Change, Agriculture, and Economic Development in Ethiopia, Sustainability, 10 (10), 3464 (1-23). |
Blesse, S., Rösel, F.: Was bringen kommunale Gebietsreformen?: Kausale Evidenz zu Hoffnungen, Risiken und alternativen Instrumenten, Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, 18 (4), 307–324. | |
Broll, U.: International Trade and Firms' Attitude towards Risk, Economic Modelling, 64, 69-73. | |
Broll, U.: Marktgröße, Integration und Handel, Wirtschaftsstudium (WiSu), 64, 1391-1397. | |
Eichler, S., Plaga, T.: The Political Determinants of Government Bond Holdings, Journal of International Money and Finance, 73 (A), 1-21. | |
Eichler, S., Littke, H. C. N., Tonzer, L.: Central Bank Transparency and Cross-Border Banking, Journal of International Money and Finance, 74, 1-30. | |
Eichler, S.: How do Political Factors Shape the Bank Risk-Sovereign Risk Nexus in Emerging Markets?, Review of Development Economics, 21(3), 451-474. | |
Eichler, S., Lähner, T.: Career Experience, Political Effects, and Voting Behavior in the Riksbank's Monetary Policy Committee, Economic Letters, 155, 55-58. | |
Jain, M., Korzheneych, A.: Spatial Disparities, Transport Infrastructure and Decentralization Policy in the Delhi Region, Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 143 (3), 594-621. | |
Karmann, A., Rösel, F.: Hospital Policy and Productivity - Evidence from German States, Health Economics, 26 (12), 1548–1565. | |
Kreickemeier, U., Wrona, J.: Two-Way Migration Between Similar Countries, World Economy, 40(1), 182-206. | |
Jain, M., Korzhenevych, A. (2017): Spatial disparities, transport infrastructure, and decentralization policy in the Delhi region, Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 143 (3), art. no. 05017003. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)UP.1943-5444.0000379 |
Lösch, S., Okhrin, O., Wiesmeth, H.: Diffusion of Environmental Awareness, Diffusion Fundamentals, 30, 1-16. | |
Markwardt, G., Zundel, S.: Strukturwandel in der Lausitz – eine wissenschaftliche Zwischenbilanz, ifo Dresden berichtet, 17 (3), 17-22. | |
Markwardt, G., Kluge, K., Thater, C.: Self-preserving Leviathans – Evidence from Local-Level Data, Kyklos, 70 (4), 594-621. | |
Müllbacher, S., Nagl, W.: Labour supply in Austria: an assessment of recent developments and the effects of a tax reform, Empirica, 44 (3), 465-486. |
Okhrin, O., Ristig, A. Xu, Y.: Copulae in High Dimensions: An Introduction, in: C. Chen, W. K. Hardle and L. Overbeck (eds.), Applied Quantitative Finance, third ed. (2017), Springer Verlag, , pp. 247-277 | |
Okhrin, O., Tetereva, A.: The Realized Hierarchical Archimedean Copula in Risk Modelling, Econometrics, 5(2), 26. | |
Okhrin, O., Xu, Y.-F.: Comparison Study of Pricing Credit Default Swap Index Tranches with Convex Combination of Copulae, The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 42, 193-217. | |
Plaul, C., Karmann, A.: Patient Journeys Through the Palliative Care System in Germany, European Journal of Palliative Care, 24 (6), 251-255. |
Richter, P., Holz, F., Brauers, H., Roobeek, T.: Shaking Dutch Grounds Won’t Shatter the European Gas Market, Energy Economics, 64, 520-529. | |
Richter, P., Schiersch, A.: CO2 Emission Intensity and Exporting: Evidence from Firm-Level Data, European Economic Review, 98, 373-391. | |
Rösel, F.: The Causal Effect of Wrong-Hand Drive Vehicles on Road Safety, Economics of Transportation, 11-12, 15–22. | |
Rösel, F.: The Political Economy of Fiscal Supervision and Budget Deficits - Evidence from Germany, Fiscal Studies, 38 (4), 641-666. | |
Seidel, A., Leßmann, C.: Regional Inequality, Convergence and its Determinants - A View from Outer Space, European Economic Review, 92, 110-132. | |
Thum, M., Biswas, A. K.: Corruption, Environmental Regulation and Market Entry, Environment and Development Economics, 22, 66-83. | |
Thum, M., Marjit, S., Seidel, A.: Tax Evasion, Corruption and Tax Loopholes, German Economic Review, 18, 283-301. |
Broll, U., Welzel, P., Wong, K. P.: Expectation Dependence: The Banking Firm under Risk, Applied Mathematical Research Express, 2, 281-288. | |
Broll, U., Welzel, P., Wong, K. P.: The Impact of Regret on Exports, German Economic Review , 17 (2), 192-205. | |
Choros-Tomczyk, B., Härdle, W. K., Okhrin. O.: A Semiparametric Factor Model for CDO Surfaces Dynamics, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 146, 151–163. | |
Eichler, S., Sobanski, K.: National Politics and Bank Default Risk in the Eurozone, Journal of Financial Stability, 26, 247-256. | |
Eichler, S., Lucke, N.: Foreign Direct Investment: The Role of Institutional and Cultural Determinants, Applied Economics, 48 (11), 935-956. | |
Eichler, S., Lähner, T.: Do Federal Reserve Bank Presidents' interest rate votes in the FOMC follow an electoral cycle?, Applied Economics Letters, 23 (9), 1-5. | |
Eickelpasch, A., Hirte, G., Stephan, A.: Firms’ Evaluation of Location Quality: Evidence from East Germany, Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie and Statistik, 236 (2), 241-273. | |
Fengler, M. R., Okhrin, O.: Managing Risk with a Realized Copula Parameter, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis,100, 131-152. | |
Fetene, G.M., Hirte, G., Kaplan, S., Prato, C. G., Tscharaktschiew, S.: The Economics of Workplace Charging, Transportation Research B: Methodological, 88, 93-118. | |
Härdle, W., López Cabrera, B., Okhrin, O. Wang, W.: Localising Temperature Risk, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 111(516), 1491-1508. | |
Kaplan, S., Grünwald, L., Hirte, G.: The Effect of Social Networks and Norms on the Inter-Regional Migration Intentions of Knowledge-Workers: The Case of Saxony, Germany, Cities, 55, 61-69. | |
Karmann, A., Rösel, F., Schneider, M.: Produktivitätsmotor Gesundheitswirtschaft: Finanziert sich der medizinisch-technische Fortschritt selbst?, Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, 17 (1), 54-67. | |
Leßmann, C., Markwardt, G.: Aid, Growth and Devolution: Considering Aid Modality and Different Types of Decentralization, World Development, 84, 118-130. | |
Okhrin, O.: Levy Copulae for Financial Returns, Dependence Modeling, 4, 288-305. | |
Ragnitz, J.: Eine wirtschaftspolitische Agenda für die ostdeutschen Länder, ifo Dresden Studien, 77. | |
Ragnitz, J., Schubert, A.: Einheit jetzt auch bei der Rente? Rentenversicherung, Wirtschaftsdienst, 96 (3), 157-158. | |
Rösel, F.: Sparen Gebietsreformen Geld? - Ein Überblick über aktuelle Studien, ifo Dresden berichtet, 24 (4), 45-49. | |
Rösel, F., Karmann, A., Schneider, M.: Produktivitätsmotor Gesundheitswirtschaft: Finanziert sich der medizinisch-technische Fortschritt selbst?, Perspektiven der Wirschaftspolitik, 17 (1), 54-67. |
Schneider, M.; Ostwald, D.; Karmann, A.; Henke, K.-D.; Braeseke, G.; Krauss, T.; Schwärzler, M.; Hofmann, S.; Karmann, B.; Plaul, C.; Troppens, S.; Richter, T.; Hofmann, U.; Köse, A.; Gandjour, A.; Legler, B.; Susanne, S. (2016): Gesundheitswirtschaftliche Gesamtrechnungen 2000-2014, Reihe Europäische Schriften zu Staat und Wirtschaft, Band 40, Nomos, Baden-Baden. |
Seidel, A., Thum, M.: Tax Evasion, Corruption and Market Entry, Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 63, 377-398. |
Shen, Z., Odening, M., Okhrin, O.: Can Expert Knowledge Compensate for Data Scarcity in Crop Insurance Pricing?, European Review of Agricultural Economics 43(2), 237-269. | |
Zhang, S., Okhrin, O., Zhou, Q., Song, P.: Goodness-of-fit Test For Specification of Semiparametric Copula Dependence Models, Journal of Econometrics, 193, 215-233. | |
[top] |
Efing, M., Frank, F., Hau, H., Kampkötter, P., Steinbrecher, J.: Optimale Vergütungsstrukturen in Banken, Die Bank, 3, 23-31. | |
Efing, M., Hau, H., Kampkötter, P., Steinbrecher, J.: Incentive Pay and Bank Risk-Taking: Evidence from Austrian, German, and Swiss Banks, Journal of International Economics, 96 (S1), 123-140. | |
Henzel, S. R., Lehmann, R., Wohlrabe, K.: Nowcasting Regional GDP – The Case of the Free State of Saxony, Review of Economics, 66 (1), 71-98. | |
Hirte, G., Tscharaktschiew, S.: Optimal Fuel Taxes and Heterogeneity of Cities. Review of Regional Research, 35, 173-209. | |
Kemnitz, A., Thum, M.: Gender Power, Fertility, and Family Policy, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 117, 220-247. | |
Kreickemeier, U., Egger, H., Wrona, J.: Offshoring Domestic Jobs, Journal of International Economics, 97, 112-125. | |
Lehmann, R., Wohlrabe, K.: Forecasting GDP at the Regional Level with Many Predictors, German Economic Review, 16 (2), 226-254. | |
Ragnitz, Joachim: Ostdeutschland im Schatten gesamtwirtschaftlicher Entwicklung, Berliner Debatte Initital, Heft 2/2015, 5-16. | |
Ragnitz, J.: Realistische Erwartungen an den Aufbau Ost, Beitrag zum Zeitgespräch „25 Jahre Deutsche Einheit: Eine Erfolgsgeschichte?“, Wirtschaftsdienst, 95 (6), 375-378. | |
Ragnitz, J., Wieland, B.: Produktivitäts- und Wachstumswirkungen von Verkehrsinfrastrukturinvestitionen: Ein Überblick, Zeitschrift für Verkehrswissenschaft, 1, 1-46. | |
Richter, P.: From Boom to Bust? A Critical Look at US Shale Gas Projections, Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy, 4 (1), 131-151. | |
Richter, P., Holz, F.: All Quiet on the Eastern Front? Disruption Scenarios of Russian Natural Gas Supply to Europe, Energy Policy, 80, 177-189. | |
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