Peer-reviewed Publications
Becker, T., Neufeld, J., & Buscher, U. (2025). The distributed flow shop scheduling problem with inter-factory transportation. In European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 322, Issue 1, Pages 39-55. 10.1016/j.ejor.2024.10.026
Becker, T.; Wolff, M.; Linzenich, A.; Engelmann, L.; Arning, K.; Ziefle, M.; Walther, G. (2024): An Integrated Bi-Objective Optimization Model Accounting for the Social Acceptance of Renewable Fuel Production Networks. In: European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 315, Issue 1, Pages 354-367. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2023.11.044
Trotter, P.; Becker, T., Renaldi, R.; Wang, X.; Khosla, R.; Walther, G. (2023): The role of supply chains for the sustainability transformation of global food systems: A large-scale, systematic review of food cold chains. In: Journal of Industrial Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/jiec.13445
Wolff, M.; Becker, T.; Walther, G. (2023): Long-term design and analysis of renewable fuel supply chains – An integrated approach considering seasonal resource availability. In: European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 304, Issue 2, Pages 745-762. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2022.04.001
Grot, M.; Nagel, L.; Becker, T.; Fiebrandt, P.; Werners, B. (2022): Fairness or Efficiency - Managing this Conflict in Emergency Medical Services Location Planning. In: Computers & Industrial Engineering, Volume 173. DOI: 10.1016/j.cie.2022.108664
Sommer, V.; Becker, T.; Walther, G. (2022): Steering Sustainable End-of-Life Treatment of Glass and Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics Waste from Rotor Blades of Wind Power Plants. In: Resources, Conservation & Recycling, Volume 181. DOI: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2021.106077
Grot, M.; Becker, T.; Steenweg, P.; Werners, B. (2022): Enhanced coverage by integrating site interdependencies in capacitated EMS location models. In: Health Care Management Science, Volume 25, Pages 42--62. DOI: 10.1007/s10729-021-09562-4
Becker, T.; Schiffer, M.; Walther, G. (2022): A General Branch-and-Cut Framework for Rotating Workforce Scheduling. In: INFORMS Journal on Computing. DOI: 10.1287/ijoc.2021.1149
Linzenich, A.; Engelmann, L.; Arning, K.; Becker, T.; Wolff, M.; Walther, G.; Ziefle, M. (2022): On the road to sustainable transport: Acceptance and preferences for renewable fuel production infrastructure. In: Frontiers in Energy Research. DOI: 10.3389/fenrg.2022.989553
Tsydenova, N.; Becker, T.; Walther, G. (2021): Optimised design of concrete recycling networks: The case of North Rhine-Westphalia. In: Waste Management, Volume 135, Pages 309-317. DOI: 10.1016/j.wasman.2021.09.013
Bruns, B.; Becker, T.; Riese, J.; Lier, S.; Werners, B. (2021): Efficient Production of Specialized Polymers with Highly Flexible Small-Scale Plants. In: Chemical Engineering and Technology, Volume 44, Issue 6, Pages 1148-1152. DOI: 10.1002/ceat.202000591
Becker, T.; Bruns, B.; Lier, S.; Werners, B. (2021): Decentralized modular production to increase supply chain efficiency in chemical markets: An example of polymer production. In: Journal of Business Economics, Volume 91, Issue 6, Pages 867-895. DOI: 10.1007/s11573-020-01019-4
Grot, M.; Becker, T.; Steenweg, P.; Werners, B. (2020): A Capacitated {EMS} Location Model with Site Interdependencies. In: Operations Research Proceedings 2019, Pages 349--355. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-48439-2_42
Becker, T. (2020): A decomposition heuristic for rotational workforce scheduling. In: Journal of Scheduling, Volume 23, Issue 5, Pages 539-554. DOI: 10.1007/s10951-020-00659-2
Borning, M.; Doré, L.; Wolff, M.; Walter, J.; Becker, T.; Walther, G.; Moser, A. (2020): Opportunities and challenges of flexible electricity-based fuel production for the European power system. In: Sustainability (Switzerland), Volume 12, Issue 23, Pages 1-26. DOI: 10.3390/su12239844
Becker, T.; Steenweg, P.; Werners, B. (2019): Cyclic shift scheduling with on-call duties for emergency medical services. In: Health Care Management Science, Volume 22, Issue 4, Pages 676-690. DOI: 10.1007/s10729-018-9451-9
Becker, T.; Zajac, S.; Steenweg, P.; Imhoff, L.; Block, J. (2019): Multi-level departments-to-offices assignment with different room types. In: Computers and Operations Research, Volume 110, Pages 60-76. DOI: 10.1016/j.cor.2019.05.015
Becker, T.; Lier, S.; Werners, B. (2019): Value of modular production concepts in future chemical industry production networks. In: European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 276, Issue 3, Pages 957-970. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejor.2019.01.066
Becker, T.; Bruns, B.; Lier, S.; Werners, B. (2019): Tactical Planning of Modular Production Networks in the Chemical Industry: A Case Study in Specialty Polymers. In: Operations Research Proceedings 2018, Pages 407-413. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-18500-8_50
Becker, T.; Lier, S.; Werners, B. (2018): Tactical Planning of Modular Production Networks with Reconfigurable Plants. In: Operations Research Proceedings 2017, Pages 549-555. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-89920-6_73
Becker, T.; Lutter, P.; Lier, S.; Werners, B. (2018): Optimization of Modular Production Networks Considering Demand Uncertainties. In: Operations Research Proceedings 2016, Pages 413-418. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-55702-1_55
Conference Presentations
Becker, T. “Solving the Rotating Workforce Scheduling Problem: A Branch-And-Cut Approach Based on Eulerian Cycles” CORMSIS Seminar of the University of Southampton, Southampton, 05.12.2024.
Erdmann, J.; Becker, T. “The Impact of Integrating Resource Collection into Location-Routing Problems” OR 2024, München, 06.09.2024.
Becker, T. “A Unified Approach to Shift Design and Rotating Workforce Scheduling” OR 2024, München, 05.09.2024.
Becker, T. “An Integrated Bi-objective Optimization Model Accounting for the Social Acceptance of Renewable Fuel Production Networks” OR 2024, München, 05.09.2024.
Erdmann, J.; Becker, T. “Dynamic Location-Routing With Modular Production Facilities and Resource Collection: A Variable Neighborhood Search Approach” EURO 2024, Copenhagen, 02.07.2024.
Becker, T.; Neufeld, J.; Buscher, U. “An Iterated Greedy Search Procedure for the Distributed Flow Shop Scheduling Problem With Inter-Factory Transportation” EURO 2024, Copenhagen, 03.07.2024.
Trotter, P.; Becker, T.; Walther, G. “System-Level Planning for Mainstreaming Sustainability Increases the Effectiveness of Development Finance: A Many-Objective Optimisation Considering 7 Sustainable Development Goals Simultaneously of a Rural Energy, Transport and Food System in Uganda.” GRONEN 2024, Paris, 27.05.2024.
Becker, T.; Wolff, M.; Linzenich, A.; Engelmann, L.; Arning, K.; Ziefle, M.; Walther, G. (2023): Optimization of the Social Acceptance of Renewable Fuel Production Networks by Integrating Mathematical Optimization and Conjoint Analysis. Herbsttagung der WK Produktion (VHB), 03.11.2023, Berlin
Becker, T.; Neufeld, J.; Buscher, U. (2023): The Distributed Flow-Shop Scheduling Problem With Inter-Factory Transportation. OR 2023, 30.8.2023, Hamburg
Hilarius, L.; Becker, T. (2023): Optimization of Sustainable Cloud Infrastructure Networks Considering a Utilization of Excess Heat. OR 2023, 31.8.2023, Hamburg
Trotter, P.; Becker, T.; Walther, G. (2022): A multi-criteria optimisation model to quantify synergies between multiple Sustainable Development Goals through integrated business models. OR 2022, 8.9.2022, Karlsruhe
Becker, T. (2022): Stochastic Rotating Workforce Scheduling Under Uncertain Staffing Requirements. OR 2022, 7.9.2022, Karlsruhe
Becker, T. (2022): A Two-Stage Stochastic Programming Approach for Rotating Workforce Scheduling With Uncertain Requirements. EURO2022, 5.7.2022, Espoo
Becker, T.; Schiffer, M.; Walther, G. (2021): A New Branch-and-Cut Algorithm for the Rotating Workforce Scheduling Problem. OR 2021, 2.9.2021, Bern
Grot, M.; Nagel, L.; Becker, T.; Steenweg, P.; Werners, B. (2021): Fairness and Efficiency – Incompatible Objectives in EMS Location Planning?. OR 2021, 2.9.2021, Bern
Becker, T.; Schiffer, M.; Watlher, G. (2021): A General Algorithmic Framework for Rotating Workforce Scheduling. EURO2021, 14.7.2021, Athens
Becker, T.; Wolff, M.; Walther, G. (2021): Strategic Supply Chain Design for Bio-hybrid Fuels Considering Renewable Resource Availability – A European Case Study. Fuel Science From Production to Propulsion, 9th International Conference, 22.6.2021, Aachen
Grot, M.; Becker, T.; Steenweg, P.; Werners, B. (2019): A capacitated EMS location model with site interdependencies. OR 2019, 5.9.2019, Dresden
Wolff, M.; Becker, T.; Walther, G. (2019): Optimal design and operation of renewable fuel supply chains. OR 2019, 5.9.2019, Dresden
Doré, L.; Becker, T.; Walther, G. (2019): Hybrid Production Networks for Renewable Fuels. OR 2019, 4.9.2019, Dresden
Becker, T. (2019): A Decomposition Heuristic for Rotational Workforce Scheduling. OR 2019, 4.9.2019, Dresden
Werners, B.; Becker, T.; Bruns, B.; Lier, S. (2019): Planning of Modular Production Networks for the Specialty Chemicals Industry. EURO2019, 24.6.2019, Dublin
Doré, L.; Becker, T.; Walther, G. (2019): Supply chain design for the production of bio hybrid fuels. OR im Umweltschutz AG, 17.5.2019, Karlsruhe
Becker, T.; Werners, B. (2019): Methoden und Anwendung der zyklischen Schichtplanung. WK Operations Research (VHB), 24.1.2019, Bielefeld
Becker, T.; Bruns, B.; Lier, S.; Werners, B. (2018): Supply Chain Planning for Production Networks with Highly Flexible Modular Plants. INFORMS Annual Meeting 2018, 4.11.2018, Phoenix
Becker, T.; Bruns, B.; Lier, S.; Werners, B. (2018): Tactical Planning of Modular Production Networks in the Chemical Industry. OR 2018, 13.9.2018, Brüssel
Steenweg, P.; Becker, T.; Werners, B. (2018): Cyclic Shift Scheduling With On-Call Duties for Emergency Medical Services. OR 2018, 12.9.2018, Brüssel
Steenweg, P.; Becker, T.; Werners, B. (2018): Optimale zyklische Schichtplanung mit integrierten Bereitschaftsdiensten im Rettungswesen. GOR Health Care Management AG, 23.2.2018, Augsburg
Becker, T.; Lier, S.; Werners, B. (2017): Tactical Planning of Modular Production Networks With Reconfigurable Plants. OR 2017, 6.9.2017, Berlin
Becker, T.; Lier, S.; Werners, B. (2016): Stochastic optimization of modular production networks considering demand uncertainties. OR 2016, 1.9.2016, Hamburg