Feb 10, 2023
Dresden Fellowship Programm: Two succeful applications
Prof. Dr. Remmer Sassen and Jun.-Prof. Dr. Samanthi Dijkstra-Silva can be pleased about the approval of their applications for the Dresden Fellowship Program of TU Dresden.
Remmer Sassen invited Professor Namchul Shin who will be a Senior Fellow at TU Dresden from mid-August to mid-November 2023. Namchul Chin teaches and conducts research at the Information Technology Department, Seidenberg
School of Computer Science and Information Systems at Pace University. His current research interests include IT Value, Innovation, Environmental Sustainability, GIS, and Nonprofit Organizations.
From April 17-May 13, 2023, Katherine Christ, PhD will join the faculty as a Junior Fellow, working closely with Samanthi Dijkstra-Silva in particular. Katharine Christ is a Senior Lecturer of Accounting at the University of South Australia. Her research interests are in the areas of Environmental Accounting, Water Accounting, and Modern Slavery. As part of the Saxon Doctoral Program in Management Research, Katherine Christ will give a workshop for doctoral students and postdocs on "Working with academic literature and integrative literature reviews" on April 25, 2023.