Dr. Karen Voigt
Table of contents
link to the Chair of General Medicine
- Research on important general medical questions (e.g. somatization disorder from the physician's and patient's perspective, care situation for patients with thyroid diseases, epidemiological studies on consultation occasions and outcomes, health behavior of medical professionals, teaching research)
- Teaching general medicine, teaching basic medical skills, coordination of different cross-sectional areas, interesting elective subjects. For teaching general medical knowledge, we are supported by practicing specialists as teaching physicians
- Promotion of young doctors i.e. support for medical students who are interested in the subject general medicine and the work of family doctors and
- Continuing education and mentoring of young physicians on their way to becoming a specialist in general medicine
Head of Research in General Medicine, Carl Gustav Carus Faculty of Medicine. TU Dresden |
81 bis 90 von 433 Einträgen
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1 bis 10 von 81 Einträgen
Stark stetige Halbgruppen auf Banachverbänden, 2002
Funktionalanalytische Methoden für partielle Funktionaldifferentialgleichungen, 2002 - 2007
Stark stetige Propagatoren und Störungstheorie, 2000 - 2005
Dirichlet-Formen und Anwendungen, 2004 - 2008
Adaptive simulation on heterogeneous systems, 01.11.2012 - 31.07.2016
Prospektive Erfassung von rekonstruktiven Knieoperationen, 10/2009
Linear algebra and finite elements within CUDA, 03/2011
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