Re-invent your body
The current sport offers for the Lecture-free period of the winter semester 2017/18 can be found under “Sports offer A - Z“ and under “Sport offer for types”. Choose the one for you from over 800 courses.

Who can participate?
The range of sports offered by the Dresden University Sports Center is one of the largest and most diverse in university sports in Germany. Here you will find sports from A for aerobic boxing to Z for Zen.
Our sports program is available to all students and employees of the universities affiliated with the DHSZ. These are
- TU Dresden
- HTW Dresden
- Dresden University of Fine Arts (HfBK Dresden)
- Carl Maria von Weber University of Music Dresden
- BA Dresden
- FH Dresden
- University for Church Music
- Protestant University of Applied Sciences Dresden
- IU International University
- SRH University