Course Instructors
The course instructor makes up the backbone of each individual sport course. Every semester over 500 course instructors help to keep students relaxed, fit, entertained, and provide them with much needed distraction throughout their studies. Thanks to them, we can offer a wide and colourful spectrum of sport courses for around 12,000 participants per semester.

Events of the DHSZ
At the beginning of the calendar year, the Midnight Ball takes place in January, sports enthusiasts meet at the DHSZ Summer Festival in June and successful athletes are honored at the DHSZ reception in November. There are also tournaments and competitions in the individual sports to mark Christmas, St. Nicholas Day or other holidays.
Very important for first semester students: our freshman sports days at the end of September and beginning of October (before enrolment for the sports courses). Here, newly enrolled students can get an impression of what university sports has in store for them.