Die Professur stellt sich vor
Als theologisch-pädagogische Disziplin hat die Religionspädagogik die Aufgabe, zwischen individuellen Lebenswirklichkeiten und fachwissenschaftlichen Inhalten auf Augenhöhe Verbindungen und Schnittmengen zu identifizieren.
Religious education
Religious education thus occupies a certain key position within the theological canon of subjects: it enters the theological discourse as an advocate of the factual reality of life, so to speak, and is assigned the critical-empirical task of analyzing the effects, developing problems and examining the historical and social relevance of theology as a whole. On the one hand, this suggests a comprehensive reference to the lifeworld as a pedagogical-didactic principle for the content and didactic design of teaching and, on the other hand, the interweaving of all theological disciplines. At the Chair, this concern is put into practice for the teacher training courses in Protestant Religion for vocational schools, grammar schools, secondary schools and elementary school as well as for the Bachelor's degree course in Protestant Theology.