Forschen am Puls der Zeit
Systems theology at TU Dresden is very interdisciplinary. We are currently working with computer science on problems of artificial intelligence. We are researching images as sources of theological knowledge with reference to art history. In dialogue with social psychology, we are looking for a contemporary understanding of fear
Research at the Chair
The present is strongly influenced by the development of new technologies. Technology and religion want to improve the world. We are looking for answers to the ethical questions associated with this. How do new technologies fit into our current lives? What anthropological assumptions are the developments based on?
What about religion in the present? Although it is obviously not disappearing, it is changing and is often invisible. We seek out Christian content in unexpected places (television series, films, etc.) and work primarily on and with images.
Systematic theology is traditionally closely linked to philosophy. However, existential human problems in the present are also dealt with by psychology and social theory. We try to make theological concepts fruitful for the present.