22.02.2024 | Design X Environmental Anthropology by Dr.Michaela Büsse
22.02.2024 | Design X Environmental Anthropology by Dr.Michaela Büsse
Worlds by Design. Mapping the Field of Interdisciplinary Design Studies
Online Lecture Series Organized by Prof. Dr. Claudia Mareis
From academic knowledge production to policy-making, urban resilience planning or disaster management, there are few fields today that are not linked to design processes and practices. While (Western) design discourse has traditionally been connected to industrial production, modernist aesthetics and rational problem-solving, more recently the concept of design has been invoked in debates that seek to address world-making and complex problems on a planetary scale from a position of limited knowledge.
In this lecture series, together with invited speakers, we seek to understand such virulent and all-encompassing understandings of design in their potentials and limitations. How can they be theoretically framed, historically and genealogically located, and critically engaged from the perspective of interdisciplinary design studies?
Please send an email to Amanda Winberg (karin.amanda.winberg.1 [at] hu-berlin.de) to get the Zoom access.
02.11.2023 | Introduction
Claudia Mareis (Cultural Theory and History / Matters of Activity, HU Berlin)
09.11.2023 | Design X Democracy
Anke Gruendel (Cultural Theory and History, HU Berlin) and Michael Saward (Politics and International Studies, University of Warwick)
16.11.2023 | Design X Speculative Futures
Léa Perraudin (Collactive Materials / Matters of Activity, HU Berlin) and Martin Müller (Collactive Materials / Matters of Activity, HU Berlin)
23.11.2023 | Design X Crip Technoscience
Melike Şahinol (Independent Researcher) and Robert Stock (Cultural Theory and History / Matters of Activity, HU Berlin)
30.11.2023 | Design X Ecological Transition
Elisa Strobel do Nascimento (Federal University of Paraná, UFPR) and Emile de Visscher (ENS Paris-Saclay)
07.12.2023 | Design X Planetarity
Orit Halpern (Digital Cultures, TU Dresden) and Kenny Cupers (Urban Studies, University of Basel)
End of the year break
No sessions on: 14.12.23 / 21.12.23 / 28.12.23 / 04.01.24
11.01.2024 | Design X Counter Mapping
Ana Luiza Nobre (Ground Atlas, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro ) and David Sperling (Ground Atlas, University of São Paulo)
18.01.2024 | Design X Histories
Tania Messell (Academy of Art and Design Basel; Geneva Graduate Institute) and Kaja Ninnis (Cultural History and Theory, HU Berlin)
25.01.2024 | Design X Critical Urbanism
Laura Nkula-Wenz (Urban Studies, University of Basel; African Centre for Cities, University of Cape Town) and Geci Karuri-Sebina (Wits School of Governance, University of the Witwatersrand)
01.02.2024 | Design X Material Cultures
Alice Jarry-Girard (Design and Computation Arts, Concordia University), Iva Rešetar and Maja Avnat (Matters of Activity, HU Berlin).
08.02.2024 | Design X Cultural Negotiations
Yoonha Kim (Matters of Activity, HU Berlin) and Imad Gebrayel (European Ethnology, HU Berlin)
15.02.2024 | Design X Catastrophes
Nadia Christidi (Science, Technology, and Society, MIT) and Sudiptu Basu (Film and Moving Image Studies, Concordia University)
22.02.2024 | Design X Environmental Anthropology
Michaela Büsse (Speculative Transformation, TU Dresden / Matters of Activity, Humboldt University) and Gökçe Günel (Anthropology, Rice University)