Dec 06, 2023
ACC Forum 2023 "From Change to Transformation" receives eku Future Prize 2023
The ACC Forum 2023, under the motto "From Change to Transformation", which took place from October 16 to 20, 2023, received the eku Future Award 2023 in the "eku Idea" category. The eku Future Prize is awarded by the Saxon State Ministry for Energy, Climate Protection, Environment and Agriculture (SMEKUL). The prize is accompanied by prize money of €2,500.
The ACC Forum of the Academic Coordination Centre (ACC) of the Neisse Euroregion aimed to initiate cross-border research, teaching, and transfer projects and to leverage synergies between the ACC partners and beyond. The ACC Forum was divided into two elements (1) autumn schools for Master's students and (2) a scientific conference to address both future junior staff and established researchers. The ACC Forum was intended to help identify and exploit the research potential of the Neisse Euroregion.
Looking back, around 90 students from the ACC's six partner universities took part in the ACC Forum. In addition, there were 13 different conference sessions in the six thematic conference focuses, in which more than 40 presentations took place. Lively discussions and networking took place, which will help continue to promote research in the Neisse Euroregion in the future and establish the region as a beacon of the European scientific landscape.
On March 13, 2024, there will be a networking event for all eku award winners in Chemnitz, which the ACC-Forum team is looking forward to.