Nov 26, 2021
PROJECT DAYS: Biodiversity at your university
The loss of biodiversity is not limited to agricultural monocultures or the use of pesticides, as one might think - in almost all areas of life, humans are contributing to a decrease in biodiversity and the destruction of the backbone of life. But where, if not at an excellent university, should an attempt be made to make campus life biodiversity-protective in everyday student, research and administrative life? What measures are other universities taking to be pioneers and where is there still a need for action at the TU Dresden? And above all: What creative ideas can we as students contribute to a more insect-friendly campus?
After an input on biodiversity management, we first want to explain the current state of affairs at universities and then move on to the scope for action. We would like to actively discuss ideas from the student body and discuss them realistically. Together with the Green Office of the TU Dresden and the Chair of Environmental Management, we are looking forward to getting ideas and maybe even concrete projects for more biodiversity through student participation in university life out of this ideas workshop.
For the preparation of the project day, we would be happy if you share your ideas about the topic on the pad!
The event is open to all people!
- Period: 03. & 04.12.2021
- Place: online
- Contact person: Hanna
- Contact:
For more information and the full text from Tuuwi about the project days, click here (only available in German).
Join the Working Group Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services!
Do you want to join the working group and execute student projects? We warmly invite you to the kick-off meeting of the Working Group Biodiversity Management and Ecosystem Services on 13.01.2022 from 11 am to 12.30 pm.
Save the date and come to find out what we can do together to conserve biodiversity on our campus. Join the meeting via this Zoom-Link!