Autumn Schools for master-level students
Registration open: Autumn Schools Programme
One aim of the ACC-Forum is to bring together master's students from the Euroregion Neisse in four topic-specific autumn schools to work on relevant transformation topics. Researchers from the ACC partner universities will run the autumn schools and provide current research results. On the basis of current research, the participating students will carry out project work, which will be presented to an expert audience during the planned scientific conference. In addition, local companies are given the platform to share their practical insights with the students in order to establish practical connections.
The evening programme is available now. Find it here.
Date of the autumn schools: 16.10. to 20.10.2023
Registration period: 01.04.2023 – 30.06.2023
Registration form: download here
The Academic Coordination Centre (ACC) organizes two ACC-Forum 2023 online information events for interested students.
The events will take place on:
- Tuesday, 23rd of May at 4:00-5:30 pm
- Wednesday, 21st of June at 4:00-5:30 pm
The meeting will be online via the platform Zoom:
Meeting-ID: 632 7528 5630
Code: f9?BKqLs
A list of the four planned autumn schools is attached below.
Overview of the planned Autumn Schools:
1. Autumn School: Biodiversity Management
Focal persons: Prof. Dr. Remmer Sassen, Lisa Junge & Vera Braun (TU Dresden, IHI Zittau)
- Insights into the economic and corporate significance of biodiversity
- Excursion to a local farm, investigating changes in land use as an effect of cultural transformation
- Connection to other topics such as urban biodiversity, digitization, regionality and sustainability
2. Autumn School: Regionality and Sustainability
Focal persons: Dr. Helena Neumannová (TU Liberec), Dr. Sabina Zaremba-Warnke (WUE Wroclaw) & Dr. Ewa Wieszczeczyńska (Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz)
- Insights into Design Thinking and marketing for regional product development
- Sustainable management and recycling of regional products
- Excursions to local businesses
- Connection to other topics such as biodiversity and interculturality
3. Autumn School: Small town, big problems - Or Experimental field for future-oriented urban transformation: Quo vadis Ostritz?
Focal person: Prof. Dr. Robert Knippschild (Interdisciplinary Centre for Transformative Urban Regeneration (IZS) at Leibnitz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER)
- City walk together with representatives from the municipality
- Expert input on regional development, urban transformation, urban regeneration and strategy development
- Elaboration of strategic drafts for the future development of Ostritz in working groups
4. Autumn School: Transformation of the Working World
Focal person: Prof. Dr. Albrecht Löhr (Berufsakademie Bautzen)
- Insights into Human Resources Management under changing regional and economic conditions
- Further information to be added soon