Seminar "Sound synthesis – creating sounds with analog and digital tools" 2023
Sound synthesis is fundamental for many different forms of music and sound creation. Hereby, Synthesizer with analog and digital sound production are as important as digital sound synthesis based on computers for real-time and offline sound creation.
In this seminar, we provide a basic introduction to analog and digital sound synthesis, the use of Synthesizer in development and performance, and the history and analysis of musical works including different kinds of sound synthesis.
The aim of the seminar is to develop individual projects based on these inputs and create compositions, sound installations or sound tools which can be presented either in concert or studio presentation context.
The schedule is structured in several meetings, each lead by one of the collaborators, including a trip to Superbooth, Berlin (Synthesizer fair). Please check the dates below.
Dozent/in: Miriam Akkermann (Musikwissenschaft TUD),
Sebastian Merchel (Akustik und Haptik TU Dresden), sowie
Stefan Prins und Christoph Mann (Komposition, HfM Dresden),
Gast: Sebastian Berweck
Veranstaltungsart: Blockseminar/AQUA
Umfang: 2 SWS
Termine: March 24: 10-15.00; March 28: 10-17.00; April 5: 15-17.00,
May 12: trip to Superbooth in Berlin
May 15: 18-21.00; May 16: 15-21.00; June 5: 18-20.00 (online);
June 13 and June 16 presentations and concert
Raum: HfM Dresden
Sprache: Englisch
The seminar is open to 10 students (first come, first serve). Please register via email Miriam Akkermann until March 17.