Research that speaks for itself
Our research deals with all aspects of human speech, including its planning in the brain, its aero-acoustic formation, and its perception and information content.
Producing, Recognizing, and Understanding Speech
The Chair of Speech Technology and Cognitive Systems focusses their research efforts on human speech.
Our interest in speech does not just start at the microphone-recored acoustic signal, but already at the cognitive planning and the processing of speech movements, and it goes well beyond the confines of information theory. For instance, besides classic signal processing, we also deal with the questions what makes a voice characteristic, what a speaker, how do we transport emotions in our voice, and finally the core question of our research effort:
How can you produce artificial voices and speech that are indistinguishable from human speakers?
A more precise overview over our fields of research can be found here, our current projects here and a list of our publications here.