Study at the institute
With its two professorships of automation technology (Prof. Janschek) and process control technology (Prof. Urbas), the Institute of Automation Technology offers a wide-ranging teaching programme on topics related to the automation of technical processes and systems.
Teaching in the field of automation, measurement and control technology (AMR)
The Institute of Automation Technology, together with the Institute of Control Theory and the Chair of Measurement and Sensor Systems Technology (Institute of Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering and Electronics) at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, is responsible for training in the field of AMR. Additional teaching duties include participation in the interfaculty postgraduate course in mechatronics (Faculties of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science) as well as teaching export to the Faculties of Mechanical Engineering (Aerospace Engineering), Educational Sciences (teaching post at vocational schools) and Business Sciences (Industrial Engineering).
The education in the field of study Automation, Measurement and Control Engineering focuses on automation-related content in the form of application-neutral methods and current technologies. In accordance with the cross-sectional character of the subject area, the application of this methodological and technological knowledge to a wide range of process classes in process engineering, production engineering, aerospace, environmental engineering, biological processes, etc. is pursued and thus guarantees a broad-based qualification of our graduates.