C1: Moving Mobility into the 22nd century: development of mobility scenarios and integration of electric vehicles in the electricity system
Within the scope of this project, scenarios for the use of future mobility will be developed. The complex and multi-layered relationships should be considered in interdisciplinary cooperation during scenario creation. By including different framework conditions (technical, social, economic, ecological, political, etc.), the basis for further work in Cluster C can be laid. The aim of this project is the use of these scenarios to investigate different mobility concepts as well as user requirements and charging strategies in the use of electric vehicles and their effects on the electricity infrastructure. These scenarios serve as a basis for the work in this and other subprojects of the cluster. Building on the scenarios, this subproject deals with the possible contribution of electric vehicles to the system integration of renewable energies and to greenhouse gas reductions. For this purpose, the effects on the distribution networks and the role of controlled charging are analyzed by way of examples. Based on these analyses, recommendations for adapting the regulatory framework are to be derived.
Doctoral Candidate: Julia B. Gutierrez Lopez
First (Main-) Supervisor: Prof. Dr. rer. pol. habil. Dominik Möst
Second Supervisor: N.N.