Cutting-edge research
The Chair of Building Energy Systems and Heat Supply is committed to current research questions of energy and heat supply for buildings, districts and municipalities, and represents these specialist contents in teaching and student training. Many questions are investigated using numerical methods. We also use a wide variety of laboratory and experimental facilities.
Our main focus
The energy and heat supply of buildings, neighborhoods and communities encompasses the entire balance area from the primary energy source to the use of thermal energy for space heating and cooling, domestic hot water heating and process heat supply. We therefore deal equally with the provision of heat from fossil and renewable energy sources, heat distribution via local and district heating systems and heating and ventilation technology in buildings. Rational energy conversion and the integration of Renewable Energy Systems into existing energy systems are important areas of our work. This also includes building automation, predictive energy and load management including the optimization of energy supply systems, building and system simulation, as well as thermal comfort and drinking water hygiene.