Table of contents
Book contributions
Weiss W, Nogowizin B, Sobota I, Pöschl M, Polzin H, Irmscher P, Franke M, Göttermann G, Vetter B, Schubert V, Böttcher H. Taschenbuch der Gießerei-Praxis 2015. Schiele&Schön. ISBN 978-3-7949-0891-2 (2014) pp 446-557
Bergmann W. Werkstofftechnik 1. 7th ed. Carl Hanser Verlag, München, 2013 [Überarbeitung: C. Leyens]
Straubel A, Friedle S, Schütze M, Laska N, Braun R, Leyens C. Mechanical Properties and Microstructure of a TNM Alloy Protected by the Fluorine Effect and Coated with a Thermal Barrier. In: Young-Won Kim, Wilfried Smarsly, (eds.). Gamma titanium aluminide alloys 2014: a collection of research on innovation and commercialization of gamma alloy technology. John Wiley & Sons. pp 105-109
Journal contributions
Sizov I, Mishigdorzhiyn U, Leyens C, Vetter B, Fuhrmann T. Influence of thermocycle boroaluminising on strength of steel C30, Surface Engineering 30(2) 2014, pp 129-133
Uhlmann E, Stawiszynski B, Leyens C, Heinze S. Steigerung der Leistungsfähigkeit von Hartmetallwerkzeugen in der Hartbearbeitung. ZWF Jahrg. 109 (2014) 4, S. 236 - 241
Uhlmann E, Stawiszynski B, Leyens C, Heinze S. Leistungsfähigkeit moderner HiPIMS- und ARC- Schichten. Diamond Business, Heft 51, Ausgabe 4 (2014), S. 24 - 31
Uhlmann E, Stawiszynski B, Leyens C, Heinze S. HiPIMS coated carbides with high adhesive strenght for hard machining. Modern Machinery Science Journal December 2014, S. 516 - 520
Talks / Conference contributions
Tränkner M, Dietrich B, Vetter B, Leyens C. Effect of casting conditions on microstructural evolution and hardness of IN738LC in step wedge and plate geometries. Proceedings for conference of Materials Science & Technology 2013, Montreal, Canada
Schlieter A, Shakhverdova I, Leyens C. Fabrication of Riblet Structures on a Ni-based Superalloy (PWA1483) for Potential Drag Reduction in High Temperature Applications Based on Laser Optimization, Vortrag MSE Darmstadt. 09/2014
Straubel A, Friedle S, Schütze M, Laska N, Braun R, Leyens C.Corration between mechanical properties and microstructure of fluorine treated TNM-B1 with TBCs. Poster MSE Darmstadt. 09/2014
Uhlmann E, Stawiszynski B, Leyens C, Heinze S. HiPIMS Coated Carbides with High Adhesive Strength for Hard Machining, Proc. 11th Int. Conf. on High Speed Machining, HSM 2014, 11-12 September 2014, Prague, Czech Republik, paper HSM2014-14060, p. 1-6
Thieme S, Leyens C, Nowotny S. Method for Forming a Coating or Three-Dimensional Structural Elements of TiAl on Substrate Surfaces by Means of Laser Build-up Welding. EP2013/056258
Book contributions
- Weiss W, Nogowizin B, Sobota I, Pöschl M, Polzin H, Irmscher P, Franke M, Göttermann G, Vetter B, Schubert V, Böttcher H. Taschenbuch der Gießerei-Praxis 2014. Schiele&Schön. ISBN 978-3-7949-0851-6 (2013) pp 446-557
Bergmann W. Werkstofftechnik 1. 7th ed. Carl Hanser Verlag, München, 2013 [Überarbeitung: C. Leyens]
Journal contributions
Brückner F, Riede M, Nowotny S, Leyens C, Beyer E. Surface Functionalization by high-precision laser cladding. Laser Technik Journal, (1) (2013) pp 29-31
Braun R, Kelm K, Fröhlich M, Leyens C. Oxidation resistance of γ-TiAl based alloy Ti–45Al–8Nb coated with intermetallic Ti–Al–Cr–Y layers and EB-PVD zirconia topcoats at 950 °C in air. Surface and Coatings Technology, 222 (2013) pp 128-134
Trache R, Puschmann R, Leyens C, Berger LM, Matthey B, Herrmann M. Thermally Sprayed Ti3SiC2 and Ti2AlC Coatings, ITSC 2013: Innovative Coating Solutions for the Global Economy. Proceedings of the International Thermal Spray Conference, May 13-15, 2013, Busan, Republic of Korea
Trache R, Puschmann R, Leyens C, Berger LM, Matthey B, Herrmann M. Möglichkeiten der Herstellung thermisch gespritzter MAX-Phasen-Schichten, Tagungsband zum 16. Werkstofftechnischen Kolloquium und zur 10. Industriefachtagung "Oberflächen- und Wärmebehandlungstechnik" in Chemnitz, 05.-06. September 2013
Schriftenreihe "Werkstoffe und werkstofftechnische Anwendungen", Band 50. Herausgeber: B. Wielage, Chemnitz: TU Chemnitz, 2013. pp 79-85
Berger O, Leyens C, Heinze S, to Baben M, Schneider JM. Self-healing of yttrium-doped Cr2AlC MAX phase coatings deposited by HIPIMS, Proc. 4th Int. Conference on Self-healing materials (ICSHM 2013), Ghent, Belgium, 2013, pp 319-323
Talks / Conference contributions
Tränkner M, Dietrich B, Vetter B, Leyens C. Effect of casting conditions on microstructural evolution and hardness of IN738LC in step wedge and plate geometries. Proceedings for conference of Materials Science & Technology 2013, Montreal, Canada
Thieme S, Leyens C, Nowotny S. Method for Forming a Coating or Three-Dimensional Structural Elements of TiAl on Substrate Surfaces by Means of Laser Build-up Welding. EP2013/056258
Book contributions
Weiss W, Nogowizin B, Sobota I, Pöschl M, Polzin H, Irmscher P, Franke M, Göttermann G, Vetter B, Schubert V, Böttcher H. Taschenbuch der Gießerei-Praxis 2013. Schiele&Schön. ISBN 978-3-7949-0838-7 (2012) pp 424-536
Journal contributions
Fritscher K, Schubert O, Leyens C, Schulz U. Short-time Oxidation of Cast g/g' Ni–Cr–Al–Ta–Re at 1100°C. Oxidation of Metals 78 (1) (2012) pp 63-82
Brandl E, Schoberth A, Leyens C. Morphology, microstructure, and hardness of titanium (Ti-6Al-4V) blocks deposited by wire-feed additive layer manufacturing (ALM). Materials Science and Engineering A – Structural Materials Properties, Microstructure and Processing. 532 (2012) pp 295-307
Lindemann J, Galvatskikh M, Leyens C. Surface effects on the mechanical properties of gamma titanium aluminides. Materials Science Forum (706-709) 2012. Pp 1071-1076
Talks / Conference contributions
Leyens C, Brückner F, Nowotny S. Innovations in laser cladding and direct metal deposition. Conf. Proc. Laser and Tera Hertz Science and Technology. Wuhan, China, 2012
Schroeter O, Maier A, Flores Renteria A, Leyens C. Method for producing an adhesive scratch-proof protective coating on a metallic workpiece. Europäische Patentanmeldung EP20100168291, 2012
Zhang P, Lindemann J, Leyens C
Shot peening on the high-strength wrought magnesium alloy AZ80—Effect of peening media
Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume 210, Issue 3, 2010, pp 445-450 -
Wang QM, Flores Renteria A, Schroeter O, Mykhaylonka R, Leyens C, to Baben M
Fabrication and oxidation behavior of Cr2AlC coating on Ti6242 alloy
Surface and Coatings Technology, 204 (15) 2010, pp 2343-2353 -
Braun R, Rovere F, Mayrhofer PH, Leyens C
Environmental protection of g-TiAl based alloy Ti-45Al-8Nb by CrAlYN thin films and thermal barrier coatings
Intermetallics 18 (4), 2010, pp 479-486 -
Zhang P, Lindemann J, Leyens C
Influence of shot peening on notched fatigue strength of high-strength wrought alloy AZ 80
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 497 (1-2) 2010, pp 380-385 -
Peters M, Leyens C
Titan im Automobilbau
Metall (6), 2010, pp 236-239 -
Zhang P, Lindemann J, Ding WJ, Leyens C
Effect of roller burnishing on fatigue properties of the hot-rolled Mg-12Gd-3Y magnesium alloy
Materials Chemistry and Physics 124, 2010, pp 835-840 -
Hager MD, Greil P, Leyens C, van der Zwaag S, Schubert US
Self-Healing Materials
Advanced Materials 22, 2010, pp 5424–5430 -
Brandl E, Baufeld B, Leyens C, Gault R
Additive manufactured Ti-6Al-4V using welding wire: comparison of laser and arc beam deposition and evaluation with respect to aerospace material specifications
Physics Procedia, Volume 5, Part 2, 2010, pp 595-606 -
Bala Srinivasan P, Arora KS, Dietzel W, Pandey S, Schaper M
Characterisation of microstructure, mechanical properties and corrosion behaviour of an AA2219 friction stir weldment,
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 492, 2010, pp 631-637 -
Arora KS, Pandey S, Schaper M, Kumar R
Effect of process parameters on friction stir welding of Aluminum Alloy AA2219
J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 2010, 26 (8), pp 747-753
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2010, pp 941-952 -
Aegerter J, Schaper M
Creep and Fracture Behaviour of Lead-Contaminated Aluminium Alloys of 6000 Series
Conference script "18th. European Conference of Fracture, Book of Abstracts, DVM 2010, ISBN 978-3-00-031-802-3, p 286
Complete paper on CD-ROM of the conference: A.03.1-6, Creep- and Fracture Behaviour of Lead Contaminated Aluminium Alloys of Series 6000 (#173) -
Aegerter J, Schaper M
Einfluss von Pb als Verunreinigung auf das Zeitstandverhalten der Legierung AlSi1MgMn (EN AW-6082)
in "Werkstoffprüfung 2010", Verlag Stahleisen GmbH, Düsseldorf 2010, ISBN 978-3-514-00778-9, pp 217 - 222
Braun R, Fröhlich M, Leyens C, Renusch D
Oxidation behavior of TBC systems on γ-TiAl based alloy Ti-45Al-8Nb
Oxidation of Metals 71 (2009) pp 295-318 -
Ebach-Stahl A, Fröhlich M, Leyens C
Influence of different annealing processes under various atmospheres on the oxidation behavior of g-TiAl
Materials at High Temperatures 26 (1) (2009) pp 91-98 -
Zhang P, Ding WJ, Lindemann J, Leyens C
Mechanical properties of the hot-rolled Mg–12Gd–3Y magnesium alloy
Materials Chemistry and Physics, Volume 118, Issues 2-3, 2009, pp 453-458 -
Zhang P, Flores-Renteria A, Wild E, Reimers W, Leyens C
Oxidation-resistant Ti–90Al coatings with lotus effect surface morphology deposited on a γ-TiAl alloy
Scripta Materialia, Volume 61, Issue 12, 2009, pp 1156-1159 -
Mishigdorzhiyn UL, Fuhrmann T, Sizov IG, Simmchen E
Vergleichende Analyse der Mikrostruktur von Boroalitierschichten auf dem Stahl C10 vor und nach Warmfestigkeitsuntersuchungen
15th International Conference modern technique and technologies, 04.-08.05.2009, Tomsk, Bd. 2 / pp 84-86
Vorrichtung zur Aufnahme von zeit- und ortsauflösenden Messwertprofilen von Objekten; DE 10 2007 054 284B3, Anmeldetag 07.11.2007, Offenlegungstag 10.06.2009