Jan 27, 2023
Beyer-Bau façade

Windkanalmessung an einem Fassadenelement
Many students only know the Beyer-Bau as a construction site. But the reconstruction is progressing. In the course of this, the tower with the observatory, the landmark of the TU, gets a newly designed façade. This week, wind tunnel measurements of the expected storm loads on the suspended elements were completed. These included tests on potential vibration excitation and noise development by the individual lamellae as well as the quantitative measurement of the loads acting on the underlying supporting structure. For the latter, a half-model setup as shown in the image was chosen, in which an object is halved and mounted on a wall. The effect of the other half is then created by "reflection" on this wall.
The determination of the storm loads acting on the whole tower have been subject to earlier wind tunnel measurements with a model of the complete building complex including its surrounding.