Jun 22, 2023
Practical flying for aerospace students

Preparation for take off
Last Monday, for the second time after the Corona break and change of airfield, the flight measurement lecture was carried out together with Akaflieg Dresden and Aeroclub Pirna. This lecture includes a day at the airfield and a flight in a glider for each participant, during which simple measurement tasks have to be completed, but also the feeling of flying on the stick is to be experienced a little by oneself. After an air tow up to an altitude of 800 m, the program includes not only the determination of the stall speed and demonstration of flow separations, but also the speed-dependent determination of pitch angles and the behavior in curve flight with different bank angles. In particular, the experience of load factors leaves a strong impression on all participants.

Wool tufts on the wing are used to detect flow separation. A long thread at the wing tip indicates the strength of the wake vortex.
