The chair introduces itself
The main research of the Chair of Virtual Product Development is oriented towards digital methodologies and enhanced development procedures for engineering design processes. Useful digitalization and technological capabilities need to be examined and understood before transferring analogous and physical models to their virtual counterpart in a purposeful manner. Along the design process, the Chair is dedicated to the challenge of leveraging the potentials of development organization and decision-making.

History of the chair
The founding of the chair goes back to the introduction of design engineering as a research and teaching area by Professor Dr.-Ing. Stefan Fronius (pictured left) in 1969. The lectureship in design engineering (design theory), which was installed in 1971 in the section for the fundamentals of mechanical engineering, was converted into a chair in 1980 when the holder was appointed as a full professor, which became a professorship in design engineering/CAD as part of the reorganisation of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.
The reorganisation of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering after the fall of the Berlin Wall involved the formation of larger institutes. This involved a cooperative merger of the two chairs of Construction Engineering/CAD and Machine Elements with the addition of the two professorships of Constructive Design and Technical Design to form the Institute for Machine Elements and Machine Design with joint administration and autonomy in research and teaching.