In addition to the education courses, the Chair of Fluid Mechanics was and is involved in the organization of conferences or has hosted them.
GAMM 2023
Dresden, 30.05. - 02.06.2023
Co-organization of entire event
Minisymposium on High-Order and Parallel Time Integration co-organized by PSM
Conference proceedings
Direct and Large Eddy Simulation 11
Pisa, Italy, 29.5.-31.5.2017
Conference proceedings
Direct and Large Eddy Simulation 10
Limassol, Zypern,
Conference proceedings
Strömungstechnische Tagung 2014
anlässlich des 100. Geburtstags von Werner Albring
TU Dresden, 10.10.2014
Direct and Large Eddy Simulation 9
Dresden, 03.04.-05.04.2013
Conference proceedings
GAMM 2013
Novi Sad, 18.-22.3.2013
Minisymposium "Simulation and modeling of bubbly flows
4th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics
Dresden, 31.08. - 02.09.2011
Minisymposium 10
Direct and Large Eddy Simulation 8
Eindhoven, 07.07. - 09.07.2010
Conference proceedings
GAMM 2010
Karlsruhe, 22.03. - 26.03.2010
Contributed Session: "S12: Magnetically Controlled Flows
Direct and Large Eddy Simulation 7
Trieste, 08.09. - 10.09.2008
Conference proceedings
ECCOMAS, Minisymposium ‘RANS/LES coupling for complex flows’
Venedig, 30.06. - 04.07.2008
GAMM, Minisymposium 'Turbulent boundary layer separation'
Bremen, 31.03.2008 - 04.04.2008
IUTAM Symposium on Advances in Microfluidics and Nanofluidics
TU Dresden, 06.09. - 08.09.2007
Conference proceedings