The Global Health Initiative
The Global Health Initiative (GHI) is a working group of the School of Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine Dresden. Its aim is to improve global health problems by training and teaching future health professionals and by generating new scientific knowledge at local and global level.
The overarching vision of the initiative is to improve access to and quality of healthcare for all people by addressing the challenges and needs of diverse populations.
Primary healthcare, with its community-based and low-threshold interventions, plays a central role in tackling global and local health problems. For this reason, the GHI emphasizes the following key aspects:
- Health determinants: The health status of a population is understood as the result of the underlying determinants in order to develop health interventions that pursue interdisciplinary approaches to solutions.
- Comprehensive care: The individual person is viewed from a comprehensiveness perspective and integrated approaches are designed to help provide solutions for (often multi-morbid) people across the lifespan.
- Prevention and early detection: Evidence-based health interventions with preventive solutions are prioritized.
- Interdisciplinary collaboration: The role of all healthcare and relevant interdisciplinary professional groups is recognized and actively involved.
- Health systems: Care models and health systems are mandated to integrate vulnerable and disadvantaged populations in order to reduce health inequalities.
- Education and research: Innovative teaching and further training of healthcare professionals should contribute to the development of forward-looking solutions in research and practice.
Based on a strong network of academics and practitioners, teaching and research projects will be developed and implemented through interdisciplinary collaboration and international partnerships.
Our work comprises various activities and is constantly being expanded. If you are interested in the work of the GHI, please contact us!

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
NameDr. rer. medic. Henna Riemenschneider MA, MPH
stellv. Leiterin Bereich Forschung

Wissenschaftliche/ Ärztliche Mitarbeiterin
NameDr. med. Stéphanie Taché
Global Health Inititative