A new paper on “Stoichiometric interactions explain spindle dynamics and scaling across 100 million years of nematode evolution” has been published in eLife.
A new paper on “Regulated lipid synthesis and LEM2/CHMP7 jointly control nuclear enevlope closure” has been published in JCB.
A new paper on “Male meiotic spindle features that efficiently segregate paired and lagging chromosomes” has been published in eLife.
A new paper on "Soluble tubulin is significantly enriched at mitotic centrosomes” has been published in JCB.
A new paper on “ Central spindle microtubules are strongly coupled to chromosomes during both anaphase A and anaphase B” has been published in MBoC.
A new review on „Current approaches for the analysis of spindle organization“ has been published in COSB.
A new paper on „In situ analysis of male meiosis in C. elegans” has bveen published in MCB.
A new paper on “Positioning of Particles in Active Droplets“ has been published in Physical Review Letters.
A new paper on “The structure and dynamics of C. elegans tubulin reveals the mechanistic basis of microtubule growth” has been published in “Developmental Cell”.