DTOS 10.02.2025 - Petra Trnkova: Upright positioning in radiotherapy: Opportunities and challenges
We welcome you to join the next talk in the Dresden Translational Oncology Seminar (DTOS) series! On Monday, the 10th of February, Prof. Petra Trnkova, a medical physicist and group leader at the Czech Technical University in Prague will talk about “Upright positioning in radiotherapy: Opportunities and challenges”.
Please find the details below, share them with your colleagues and join us in the seminars!
Date: 10.02.2025 at 5 pm, H66 conference room and Zoom (join via the QR code)
Speaker: Prof. Petra Trnkova, Czech Technical University in Prague
Talk: Upright positioning in radiotherapy: Opportunities and challenges
Host: Prof. Esther Troost
DTOS is a seminar series jointly organized by the NCT/UCC Dresden and Dresden School of Clinical Science.