Public Health Perspective
This spring school will take a different perspective on human trafficking through the public health lens. Victims of human trafficking are a hidden population involved e. g. in the commercial sex industry, agriculture, gastronomy and domestic work. Addressing the issue of human trafficking from a public health perspective can help identify vulnerability and facilitate early interventions that reach individuals before traffickers do.2 Public awareness of this critical health concern should be raised in the countries of origin, transit and destination.
[Gelöschtes Bild: /icon_teaser.gif Alternativtext: Literatur Bildunterschrift: ] [1] Kirch, W. (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Public Health, New York: Springer, 2008
[Gelöschtes Bild: /icon_teaser.gif Alternativtext: Literatur Bildunterschrift: ] [2] Baldwin S.B., Eiseman D. P., Sayles J.N., Ryan G., Chuang K.S. Identification of human trafficking victims in health care settings (2011) [Online aufgerufen am 02.11.2012] URL: