Welcome at the Institute for Clinical Genetics
Dear patients,
dear relatives,
dear colleagues,
At the Institute for Clinical Genetics, we care for people and their families with genetic disorders. Our focus is on intellectual developmental disorders, brain malformations, complex syndromal diseases and hereditary tumor diseases or genetic tumor risk syndromes (GENTURIS).
Our team uses state-of-the-art diagnostic methods under accredited conditions to find the cause of the disease for as many patients as possible. Furthermore, we investigate the alterations of the human genome corresponding to our diagnostic focuses to elucidate disease causes and pathomechanisms, including the signaling pathways involved and the functions of new candidate genes analogous to our diagnostic focus areas. We also use genome-wide high-throughput sequencing (WGS) both in clinic and in research.
We are active in teaching and supervise master's and doctoral theses of students in medicine, biology, bioinformatics and beyond. We hold numerous events to provide the broadest possible public discussion of the current state of our field and to provide extensive continuing education.
If you would like to get more information about our work or you are looking for advice concerning a genetic disease, please visit our new institute website at www.uniklinikum-dresden.de/kge.
With best regards,
Prof. Dr. med. Evelin Schröck