Oct 02, 2020 - Jun 18, 2021; Event Series

DataVis Help Desk

You make figures, posters, slides? You wonder whether a pie chart is a good idea? You can’t decide between a bar-chart and boxplot or violin? You need a guide to adjust brightness and contrast on your microscopy images? You need a demo for making graphical abstracts?

Join us for the new ONLINE DATA VIZ HELP DESK! 

Starting October 2nd 2020, every 2-3 weeks, Friday 2PM. 

Sign up: send “subscribe” to datavizmeetup-request@groups.tu-dresden.de

Mar 26, 2021; Course of talks

DataVis Help Desk: Use the space: layouting for figures

Speaker(s) Dr. Helena Jambor
Start and end time 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM
Location online
Meeting ID: 858 4331 4580
Passcode: Boxpl0t!

Apr 30, 2021

DataVis Help Desk: How to....Graphical Abstracts

Speaker(s) Dr. Helena Jambor
Start and end time 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM
Location zoom

May 28, 2021

DataVis Help Desk: How to....Science Posters

Speaker(s) Dr. Helena Jambor
Start and end time 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM
Location zoom

Jun 18, 2021

DataVis Help Desk: A-Z of charts. Getting to know Area, Bar, Chord, Dot, etc.

Speaker(s) Dr. Helena Jambor
Start and end time 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM
Location zoom