Sep 15, 2021
DTOS - Dresden Translational Oncology SeminarsDresden Translational Oncology Seminar (DTOS): Prof. Mihai Netea, Radboud University Medical Center
Mihai Netea , Clinician Scientist and head of the research group Immunology and Metabolism at the LIMES Institute (University of Bonn) will speak about Trained immunity: a memory for innate host defense on 15.09.2021 at the DTOS. Prof. Netea is trained as an infectious diseases specialist and further affiliated with Nijmegen University Nijmegen Medical Center, where he currently heads the division of Experimental Medicine at the Department of Internal Medicine. His main research interests are pattern recognition of fungal pathogens and the induction of antifungal immunity, primary immunodeficiencies of the innate immune system, and the study of the memory traits of innate immunity.
Exciting topic or interested in talking to a Clinician Scientist about his experiences? Then register by mail ( for an individual chat with Prof. Netea after his talk.
One continuing education point can be claimed at the SLÄK for this hybrid event. Considering the current hygiene measures, your live attendance is possible in house 66, 3rd floor/conference room, therefore a prior registration is appreciated and a small snack will be served.
Host Prof. Dr. med. Trian Chavakis
Live Meeting Haus 66, 3.OG Konferenzraum, max. 20 Teilnehmer
Meeting-ID 870 6788 8729
Kenncode MzE4WC^0
contact (SLÄK points, registration for one-on-ones with Mihai Netea)