Chair of Molecular Virology - The FoamyLab
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Chair of Molecular Virology

FoamyLab 2020
The Chair of Molecular Virology (The FoamyLab) is studying various molecular- and cell biological aspects of the retroviral replication strategy. The current research interests of our lab are the analysis of viral and cellular protein interactions involved in viral particle morphogenesis and virus entry as well as interactions of retroviruses with the innate immune system. The functional analysis of retroviral capsids and glycoproteins and their role in virus release and infection of target tissues is another research focus. The insights of these processes obtained from our basic research efforts are utilized for the development of new retroviral vector systems, which we apply in cooperation with various partners for gene transfer into different target tissues.
The Chair of Molecular Virology (The FoamyLab) is located at the Institute of Virology of the Medical Faculty Carl Gustav Carus at the Technische Universität Dresden. Our labs are located at the Medical Theoretical Center, near the University Hospital and the Biotechnology Center (BIOTEC) of the TU Dresden as well as the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG).