The Chair of Microalgal cell and molecular biology
We investigate molecular and mechanistic aspects of the physiology of ecologically important microalgae using molecular genetic, biochemical, and cell biological methods.

About the Chair
We investiagte the biosynthetic capabilities of unicellular algae (microalgae). The focus is on the molecular processes involved in the formation of characteristic cell components of microalgae. In addition, we investigate how microalgae interact with each other and with other microorganisms. The focus of our interest is on calcifying microalgae called coccolithophores. These algae play a central role in the microbiomes of the world's oceans. A characteristic feature of the coccolithophores is a cell wall consisting of complex-structured calcitic scales, which are called coccoliths. The molecular mechanism of coccolith formation and calcite (CaCO3) morphogenesis is a central topic of our research activity.
More details: Under construction