Publications of the Plant Genomics Group
Preprints und akzeptierte Artikel
W. Kim, N. Schmidt, M. Jost, E. M. Mkala, S. Winkler, G.-W. Hu, T. Heitkam and S. Wanke (2024): "Diverging repeatomes in holoparasitic Hydnoraceae uncover a playground of genome evolution", bioRxiv, doi: 10.1101/2024.12.09.626742.
A. El-nagish, S. Liedtke, S. Breitenbach and T. Heitkam (2024): "Preparing high-quality chromosome spreads from Crocus species for karyotyping and FISH", bioRxiv, doi: 10.1101/2024.11.18.624136. read preprint
S. Ishiguro, S. Taniguchi, N. Schmidt, M. Jost, S. Wanke, T. Heitkam, N. Ohmido (2024): "Repeatome landscapes and cytogenetics of hortensias provide a framework to trace Hydrangea evolution and domestication", in press at Annals of Botany.
Read the corresponding preprint: bioRxiv, doi: 10.1101/2024.06.05.597687.
Sielemann K., Schmidt N., Guzik J., Kalina N., Pucker B., Viehöver P., Breitenbach S., Weisshaar B., Heitkam T. and Holtgräwe D. (2023): "Pangenome of cultivated beet and crop wild relatives reveals parental relationships of a tetraploid wild beet", bioRxiv, doi: 10.1101/2023.06.28.546919.