Aktuelle Forschungsprojekte
Current Projects include
Isolation of differentially expressed genes/proteins during development of the clubroot disease
Characterization of protein functions from the clubroot pathogen Plasmodiophora brassicae
Signaling between plants and pathogens or endophytes
Biocontrol of clubroot
Biosynthesis and metabolism of plant hormones and their role during plant development and abiotic stress responses
Specialized metabolites from plants and endophytic fungi
Plasmodiophora brassicae
After infection the host root produces tumorous swellings (clubs) which leads to huge losses in agricultural fields. The clubroot symptoms clearly give evidence that plant growth promoting hormones are involved in disease development. We investigate the role of these hormones during pathogenesis, but also with respect to hormone modifying enzymes from the protist. The isolation of genes which play a role during pathogenesis or which may be important for the tolerance of the plants or virulence of the pathogen are also of central importance. Using the Plasmodiophora brassicae genome sequence we look for genes that encode for proteins important for colonization of the host plant including enzymes that are interfering with the plant defense signals.
Disease control
Controlling the disease is a major research focus worldwide. To this end, we have begun to study the interaction between host plants, Plasmodiophora brassicae and other beneficial organisms (endophytes). Here we focus on the fungus Acremonium alternatum and the molecular causes for its effect on disease progression of model and crop plants.
Journal titles on the topic
Susann Auer youtube movie on clubroot
Plant hormones
Plant hormones are important substances for growth and development of plants. We are mainly interested in the role of auxins for plant developmental processes and during abiotic stress situations. Auxins are a class of plant hormones that control in low amounts a plethora of developmental processes, but inhibit plant growth at higher concentrations. Therefore, the regulation of hormone concentration is crucial for proper development of plants. Besides biosynthesis and degradation the formation of auxin conjugates is one of the key regulatory pathways for the activation/inactivation of IAA. Auxin conjugates also play a role during stress responses. We are investigating the role of the auxin homeostasis in different plant species under abiotic stress situations. Heat stress is among the factors analyzed. Also we determine the role of hormones and abiotic stress factors for the adaptation of plants in different microclimate conditions.
Bioactive Substances
Plants are not only sources for nutrition, but also supply plenty of compounds of importance for medicinal and pharmaceutical uses. In the continued efforts to identify new substances with useful biological properties plants remain a major source. In addition, we are analyzing the potential of endophytic fungi for their potential to synthesize specialized metabolites with bioactive potential.