Beendete Projekte
ClubControl (funded by Allianz Industrie Forschung), project members Susann Auer, Linda Jahn, Sabine Rößler; collaboration with Feldsaaten Freudenberger, Phytosolution project description only in German
Abiotic stress alters microclimate by changing vegetation traits (funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinsaft), project member Willy Petzold; collaboration with Christian Bernhofer, Daniel Gliksman, Sabine Hänel project description
- Effect of high temperature on gene expression, phytochemical profile and in vitro bioactivity of seedlings: Case study of broccoli (Brassica oleracea botrytis var. cymosa) (funded by DAAD), collaboration with Ivana Sola (University of Zagreb) project description
Novel bioactive compounds from Cyanodermella asteris, an endophytic fungus with high biotechnological potential (funded by SMWK and Sächsische Aufbaubank), project member Linda Jahn; collaboration with Tobias Gulder project description
The role of auxinamidohydrolases in heat stress of Arabidopsis (funded by DAAD), collaboration with Branka Salopek-Sondi (Rudjer Boskovic Institute) and Natasa Bauer (University of Zagreb) project description
Biocontrol of clubroot by Pseudomonas protegens (funded by Philipp-Schwartz-Initiative of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation), project member Yamen Mahfoud project description
Heat shock proteins and their role in Plasmodiophora brassicae infection (funded by DAAD), project member Susann Auer project description
Efficacy Testing of Seed Treatments with Isotianil and HiCFU against Clubroot Disease (funded by Bayer Crop Science, project members Yamen Mahfoud, Sabine Rößler project description
Effect of Acremonium alternatum on clubroot susceptible and resistant oilseed rape (funded by Union zur Förderung von Oel- und Proteinpflanzen e.V.), project member Sabine Rößler project report UFOP (in German)
Interaction of the novel synthetic auxin halauxifen-methyl (Arylex™) with plant hormones under the influence of herbicide treatment, plant growth stage and temperature regime (funded by Corteva), project members Katja Liedel, Roman Rattunde, Sabine Rößler project description
Computer-based Approaches to Investigating Natural Products (CAINPs) (funded by DAAD, guest docent program), docent Fidele Ntie-Kangpersonal web page project description
Improving crop yield by enhanced plant performance under stress conditions (IPSC) (funded by BMBF, DLR); collaboration with Stephan Pollmann (University of Madrid, Spain), Ralf Oelmüller (Universität Jena, Germany), Anne Krapp (INRA Versailles, France), Hitoshi Sakakibara (University of Nagoya, Japan), Jesus Vicente-Carbajosa (University of Madrid, Spain), Stephane Lafarge (Biogemma, France) project description
Enhancing production of the antitumor compound astin by a novel fungal endophyte of Aster tataricus (ASTINPROD) (funded by ERA-IB, Sächsische Aufbaubank); project members Linda Jahn, Thomas Schafhauser; collaboration with TU Dresden (Karl-Heinz van Pee), Wageningen University (Willem van Berkel), Universite de Liege (Philippe Jacques, Luc Willems) and two industry partners (Diagenode, Lipofabrik) project description
Multilevel analysis of the clubroot disease and its biological control by an endophytic fungus (funded by DAAD); project member Susann Auer; collaboration with Prof. Dr. Bretislav Brzobohaty, Dr. Martin Cerny at Mendel University, Brno, Czech Republic project description
Search for an inhibitor for the SABATH-type methyltransferase in Plasmodiophora brassicae (funded by Bayer Crop Science); project members Freia Benade, Diana Seidler, Regina Mencia project description
Potential of endophytes for plant growth (funded by Israel Chemicals Ltd.); project members Susann Auer, Sabine Rößler, Diana Seidler, Renate Linke project description
Role of auxin in tomato flower organs and fruit during development under high-temperature conditions (AUXTOM) (funded by BMEL); project member Sarah Breitenbach; collaboration with Hagai Yasuor (Volcani Center) and Asaph Aharoni (Weizmann Institute), Israel project description project report BLE
Generation and characterization of halogenated compounds in hairy roots of Brassica by transformation with bacterial halogenases (NBCBH) (funded by BMBF); project member Madeleine Neumann; collaboration with Karl-Heinz van Pee (TU Dresden), Sarah O'Connor (John Innes Centre), Rebecca Goss (University of St. Andrews), Alfredo Aires (Universidade de Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro), Vita34 AG (Bioplanta Leipzig) project description
Neues Produktionssystem für pflanzliche Sekundärmetabolite auf Basis zellfreier Biokatalyse in einem kaskadierten, kompartimentierten Hairy-Root-Reaktor / Novel production system for secondary plant metabolites on the basis of cell free catalysis in a compartmented bioreactor (funded by AiF/BMWi); project members Sabine Jülke, Joachim Püschel, Kenny Rabe; collaboration with Thomas Bley, Juliane Steingroewer (TU Dresden) project description@bioverfahrenstechnik
Multi enzyme systems involved in astin biosynthesis and their use in heterologous astin production (MESIAB) (funded by ERA-IB, Sächsische Aufbaubank); project member Linda Jahn; collaboration with Karl-Heinz van Pee (TU Dresden, Germany), Kaarina Sivonen (Helsinki, Finland), Wolfgang Wohlleben (Tübingen, Deutschland) Willem van Berkel (Wageningen, The Netherlands), Philippe Jacques (Lille, France), Greentech (France) project description
Bildung neuer bioaktiver Verbindungen durch Pflanzen und Bakterien mit Hilfe neuer und verbesserter Halogenasen – Teilprojekt: Transformation von Pflanzen mit bakteriellen Halogenasen zur Generation neuer bioaktiver Indolmetabolite / Transformation of plants with bacterial halogenases to generate novel bioactive metabolites (funded by Sächsisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst); project member Antje Walter; collaboration with Karl-Heinz van Pee project description
Halogenierung von Phenylethan-Glycosiden aus Verbascum / Halogenation of phenylethane glycosides from Verbascum (funded by Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, PPP Bulgarien); project member Anna Radziszewska; collaboration with Milen Georgiev (Plovdiv, Bulgaria)project description
The role of salicylic acid and auxins in defence responses of Brassica crop plants (funded by Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, PPP Kroatien); collaboration with Gordana Rusak and Branka Salopek-Sondi (Zagreb, Croatia) project description
Phenol derivatives in the moss Physcomitrella patens (funded by Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, PPP Kroatien); collaboration with Gordana Rusak and Branka Salopek-Sondi (Zagreb, Croatia) project description
Study of plant enzymes from metallopeptidase families M20 and M49 (funded by Alexander von Humboldt foundation, Institutional Partnership); collaboration with Sanja Tomic (Zagreb, Croatia) and Rebecca Wade (Heidelberg, Germany) project description
- Endogenous antimicrobial compounds in plants (funded by Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, PPP Kroatien); collaboration with Gordana Rusak and Branka Salopek-Sondi (Zagreb, Croatia) project description
Weiße Biotechnologie mit Pflanzenzellen: Transfer innovativer Verfahren zur Applikation von Pflanzenzellen in der Lebensmittel-, Holzwerkstoff-, Pharma- und Kosmetikindustrie durch eine interdisziplinäre Nachwuchsforschergruppe / White biotechnology with plant cells (funded by Europäischer Sozialfonds und Freistaat Sachsen); project members Annemarie Lippert (abstract), Joachim Püschel (abstract); collaboration with Thomas Bley, Andre Wagenführ, Edeltraud Günther (TU Dresden) project description@bioverfahrenstechnik
- Salicylic acid/flavonoids in the defense response of Arabidopsis plants infected by Plasmodiophora brassicae and/or cucumber mosaic virus (funded by Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, PPP Kroatien); collaboration with Gordana Rusak (Zagreb, Croatia)
Molekulare Züchtung von Kohlhernie Resistenz in Gemüsekohl und Raps / Molecular breeding of clubroot resistance in vegetable cabbages and oilseed rape (funded by Bundesministerium für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung, Deutsch-chinesische Zusammenarbeit auf dem Gebiet der Agrarforschung); collaboration with Johannes Siemens (TU Dresden) and Li Zhong (Yunnan, China)
- Pflanzenhormone und Flavonoide während der Pflanzenvirus-Wirt Interaktion / Plant hormones and flavonoids during plant virus - host interaction (funded by Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, PPP Kroatien); collaboration with Gordana Rusak (Zagreb, Croatia)
Erzeugung von Wurzelgallen-Resistenz durch pathogenese-inverse Steuerung des Hormonhaushaltes / Generation of root gall resistance by pathogen inverse regulation of the plant hormone homeostasis (funded by Sächsisches Landesamt für Umwelt und Geologie); project member Cornelia Horn; collaboration with Johannes Siemens (TU Dresden)
Molekulare Wirkung von Flavonoiden / Molecular functions of flavonoids (funded by Internationales Büro des BMBF, WTZ mit Kroatien); collaboration with Gordana Rusak (Zagreb, Croatia)
- The role of auxin in plant colonisation by mycorrhisae fungi (funded by Bundesministerium für Landwirtschaft und Forsten, Germany/Poland), collaboration with Lech Michalczuk (Skierniewice, Poland)
Suche nach Resistenzen gegen die Kohlhernie in Arabidopsis-Mutanten / Looking for resistance genes against the clubroot disease in Arabidopsis mutants (funded by Internationales Büro des BMBF, WTZ mit der Tschechischen Republik); collaboration with Tomas Kocabek (Ceske Budejowice, Czech Republic)
- Konjugation von Indol-3-essigsäure (IAA) an ein Protein aus Phaseolus vulgaris: Regulation der Auxinhomöostase oder eine neuartige Proteinmodifikation durch IAA? / Conjugation of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) to a protein from Phaseolus vulgaris: regulation of auxin homeostasis or a novel type of protein modification? (funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft); project members Alexander Walz, Claudia Seidel project description gepris.dfg
- Genetische und physiologische Charakterisierung der tu8 Mutante von Arabidopsis thaliana mit Defekten bei der induzierten Thermotoleranz und der pathogeninduzierten Auxin- und Indolglucosinolat-Akkumulation / Genetic and physiological characterization of the Arabidopsis mutant tu8 with defects in induced thermotolerance and pathogen-induced accumulation of auxin and indole glucosinolates (funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft); project member Torsten Wenke project description gepris.dfg
Biologische Halogenierung: Ein Weg zur Bildung neuer bioaktiver Stoffwechselprodukte / Biological halogenation: a pathway for the generation of novel bioactive metabolic compounds (funded by Sächsisches Landesamt für Umwelt und Geologie); project member Angela Wobus; collaboration with Karl-Heinz van Pee (TU Dresden)
- Identifizierung neuartiger pharmakologisch wirksamer Substanzen durch Ausnutzung der genetischen Ressourcen pflanzlicher Systeme / Identification of novel pharmacologically active compounds by using the genetic resources of plant systems (funded by Sächsisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst); project member Gordana Rusak; collaboration with Herwig Gutzeit (TU Dresden)
- Die Rolle der Indol-3-buttersäure bei der Mykorrhizierung von Maiswurzeln durch Glomus intraradices / The role of indole-3-butyric acid for the mycorrhization of maize roots by Glomus intraradices (funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft); project members Dorothee Fitze, Kerstin Jentschel project description gepris.dfg
Die Rolle von Auxinen und Nitrilase während der Kohlhernie-Entwicklung / The role of auxins and nitrilase during the development of the clubroot disease (funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft); project member Slobodanka Grsic short project description (German)