NIR Raman Spectrometer HoloLab Series 5000
from Kaiser Optical Systems
- Wavelength stabilized laser diode (SDL-8530) with 785 nm emission, 200 mW intensity.
- Microscope DMLP (Leica) with lenses N Plan 10x/0.25, 50x/0.75, 100x/0.9 and PL Fluotar L 50x/0.55, video modul, XYZ-motorized sample table Proscan (Prior Scientific).
- Macro sample chamber with integrated light source kalibration.
- Spektrograph HoloSpec f/1.8 with transmissive, holographic grid for spectral range 126 to 3560 wave numbers.
- Nitrogen cooled CCD detector (Princeton Instruments), NIR optimized using back illumination, deep depletion Design.
- The beamguide from laser to sample and sample to spectrograph is caried out by optical fibers